1.临床上进行高频电疗时,尽管电流足够大,为什么患者没有痛的感觉? 2.在给患者进行肌肉注射时,为什么要求进针、出针快,推药慢? 3.试述机体稳态的维持机制 4比较 正反馈、负反馈与前馈之间的异同及生理意义。 参考文献 1.姚泰主编.生理学,第六版,北京:人民卫生出版社,2004P47-74 2.姚泰主编.人体生理学,第三版,北京:人民卫生出版社,2002 3.Guyton AC.Textbook of Medical Physiology.10th ed,WB Saunders Co.Philadelphia,2000 P382-429 4.Ganong WF.Review of medical physiology.20th ed,McGraw-Hill publishing Co,New York, 1999 5.Davies A,Blakeley AGH,Kidd C.Human Physiology.London:Harcourt Publishers Ltd,2001 6.Fox SI.Human Physiology.7thed.New York:MeGraw-Hill Co. 7.Silverthom DU,Ober WC. onCW.198.Human Physiology An Integrated Approach New Jersey:Prentice-Hall Inc,2002 8.Berne RM,Levy MN,Koeppen BMI.Physiology.4th ed.St.Louis:Mosby Electronic Production,1998 Summary Physiology is to study the living phenomena and the function activities of living orans,to explain how they are regulated and integrated.Physiological studies provide an important basis for modern medical sciences.Physiology is composed of studying on three levels of function:cell and molecule level,organ and system level and a general level.Methods used in physiological experiments.Animal studies can be divided into and chron experiments.Acute experiments of manipulations in vivoand in vitro.Chroni experiments shoud be performed on a conscious subject for a long period of time Metabolism,excitability,adaptability and reproduction are the basic characteristics of life activity. All cells of the body are surrounded by extracellular fluid and so extracellular fluid forms of the body.A stable interl environment ise function and survival of the living organs.Homeostasis is the maintenance of a steady states in the body by coordinated physiological mechanism. Many control systems work to maintain homeostasis.The regulation systems of human body can be divided into nerve regulation.humoral regulation and autoregulation.Many vous system.This is calledn ous regulation.A refex is the basic model of nervous regulation and the reflex arc is the pathway in a refe Chemical substances secreted by some tissues arrive at target organs through body fluids and regulate physiological activity of the target organ.This is called humoral regulation.In certain cases,a tissue or organ can respond directly to the environmental change,depending neither on rvous nor on hu oral control.This form of regulation is called autoregulation.Feedback isa oclosed oo.Usuyofysoica rure feedback mechanism that feeds the output information back to the control system so as to modify the nature of control.Negative feedback system work to restore the normal value of a variable and thus exert a stabilizing influence;while positive feedback amplifies the changes in order to finish > 1. 临床上进行高频电疗时,尽管电流足够大,为什么患者没有痛的感觉? 2. 在给患者进行肌肉注射时,为什么要求进针、出针快,推药慢? 3. 试述机体稳态的维持机制。 4.比较正反馈、负反馈与前馈之间的异同及生理意义。 参考文献 1. 姚泰 主编. 生理学,第六版,北京:人民卫生出版社,2004 P47~74 2. 姚泰 主编. 人体生理学,第三版,北京:人民卫生出版社,2002 3.Guyton AC. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 10th ed, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 2000 P382~429 4.Ganong WF. Review of medical physiology. 20th ed, McGraw-Hill publishing Co, New York, 1999 5.Davies A,Blakeley AGH,Kidd C. Human Physiology. London:Harcourt Publishers Ltd,2001 6.Fox SI. Human Physiology. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Co. 7. Silverthorn DU,Ober WC,Garrison CW. 1998. Human Physiology An Integrated Approach. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc,2002 8. Berne RM,Levy MN,Koeppen BMl. Physiology. 4th ed. St.Louis: Mosby Electronic Production,1998 Summary Physiology is to study the living phenomena and the function activities of living organs, to explain how they are regulated and integrated. Physiological studies provide an important basis for modern medical sciences. Physiology is composed of studying on three levels of function: cell and molecule level,organ and system level and a general level. Methods used in physiological research include both animal and human experiments. Animal studies can be divided into acute and chronic experiments. Acute experiments consist of manipulations in vivo and in vitro. Chronic experiments shoud be performed on a conscious subject for a long period of time. Metabolism, excitability, adaptability and reproduction are the basic characteristics of life activity. All cells of the body are surrounded by extracellular fluid and so extracellular fluid forms the internal environment of the body. A stable internal environment is necessary for normal cell function and survival of the living organs. Homeostasis is the maintenance of a steady states in the body by coordinated physiological mechanism. Many control systems work to maintain homeostasis. The regulation systems of human body can be divided into nerve regulation, humoral regulation and autoregulation, Many physiological activities are regulated by the nervous system. This is called nervous regulation. A reflex is the basic model of nervous regulation and the reflex arc is the pathway in a reflex. Chemical substances secreted by some tissues arrive at target organs through body fluids and regulate physiological activity of the target organ. This is called humoral regulation. In certain cases, a tissue or organ can respond directly to the environmental change, depending neither on nervous nor on humoral control. This form of regulation is called autoregulation. Feedback is a flow of information along a closed loop. Usually, a constancy of physiological variable requires a feedback mechanism that feeds the output information back to the control system so as to modify the nature of control. Negative feedback system work to restore the normal value of a variable and thus exert a stabilizing influence; while positive feedback amplifies the changes in order to finish 7
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