4.德布罗意波、波粒二象性 De Broglie wave Wave-Particle Dualism The dual nature of light, particle and wave 光的波粒二象性 particle wave Cenergy) E v( frequency) (momentum)P h n (wavelength) These two natures are connected by h Eb=hv…() 2 E E+(P) hy h P=E/C (2)The dual nature of light, particle and wave 光的波粒二象性 particle wave (energy) (frequency) (momentum) (wavelength) E P   h These two natures are connected by h.  (1) E = h / (2)     h C h P = E C = = 2 2 0 2 E = E + (P c) 4.德布罗意波、波粒二象性 (De Br glie wave .Wave ö -Particle Dualism )
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