selectively aggregate being included 氧张力增强而成正比地提高(图7-44)。因此在 transport vesicles. 低浓度氧的条件下,线粒体利用氧的能力比过 Answer 氧化物酶体强但在高浓度氧的情况下,过氧化 f Gtp is present but cannot be hydrolyzed,物酶体的氧化反应占主导地位这种特性使过 microtubules will continue 氧化物酶体具有使细胞免受高浓度氧的毒性 to grow until all free tubulin subunits have作用 Answer 五、计算与推理(第1题必做,2、3选一题 The cen trason serves as 每题5分,共10分) vivo and There are six nucleosomes per helical turn of all of the microtubules rad iat ing from the the solenoid structure, and one helical turn of corresponds to slightly less than the same polari 30nm the length of a chromatin thick 4.答:加在于粗面内质网上合成的蛋白质上 fiber. Assuming, for simplicity of calculation, one 的糖基可由两种途径连接:通过天冬氨酸残基 helical turn per30mm, then there are6 的N原子或通过丝氨酸和苏氨酸残基的O原 nucleosomes per30- nm stretch of thick fiber. A 子。N连结糖蛋白合成的第一步在粗面内质网900 thick fiber thus has 30 solenoid 上进行,糖链是从磷酸多萜醇转移至新生肽链turs nm divided by 30 nm/turn) and 上。这种糖基化在高尔基体中继续被修饰。O- contains180 nucleosomes(6 nucleosomes/turn 连结的糖基化是在高尔基体中进行的。 X 30 turms). The DNA content of each human ucleosome plus the linker DNA connecting it to 5答:过氧化物酶体中的氧化酶都是利用分子 djacent nucleosomes is about 200 bp. This thick 氧作为氧化剂,催化下面的化学反应 fiber thus contains 36,000 bp of DNA: (200 RH2+02 ---------R+H,O3 bp/nucleosome) X(180 nucleosomes/900-nm 这一反应对细胞内氧的水平有很大的影 thick fiber 响。例如在肝细胞中有20%的氧是由过氧化物 酶体消耗的其余的在线粒体中消耗。在过氧化2. Answer 物酶体中氧化产生的能量以产热的方式消耗 oss of cycl in leads to inactivation of the 掉,而在线粒体中氧化产生的能量贮存在ATP itotic Cdk. As the result, its target prote 中。线粒体与过氧化物酶体对氧的敏感性是不 become dephosphorylated by phosphatases,and 一样的线粒体氧化所需的最佳氧浓度为2%6左 the cells exit mitosis- they disassemble the 右增加氧浓度并不提高线粒体的氧化能力。 mitotic spindle, reassemble the nuclear 过氧化物酶体与线粒体不同,它的氧化率是随 evelope, decondense their chromosomes, and so2 selectively aggregate being included in transport vesicles. 2. Answer If GTP is present but cannot be hydrolyzed, microtubules will continue to grow until all free tubulin subunits have been used up. 3. Answer: The centrosome serves as a microtubule-organizing center in vivo, and all of the microtubules radiating from the centrosome apparently have the same polarity. 4. 答:加在于粗面内质网上合成的蛋白质上 的糖基可由两种途径连接:通过天冬氨酸残基 的 N 原子或通过丝氨酸和苏氨酸残基的 O 原 子。N-连结糖蛋白合成的第一步在粗面内质网 上进行,糖链是从磷酸多萜醇转移至新生肽链 上。这种糖基化在高尔基体中继续被修饰。O- 连结的糖基化是在高尔基体中进行的。 5.答: 过氧化物酶体中的氧化酶都是利用分子 氧作为氧化剂, 催化下面的化学反应: RH2 + O2 ---------→ R + H2O2 这一反应对细胞内氧的水平有很大的影 响。例如在肝细胞中,有 20%的氧是由过氧化物 酶体消耗的,其余的在线粒体中消耗。在过氧化 物酶体中氧化产生的能量以产热的方式消耗 掉, 而在线粒体中氧化产生的能量贮存在 ATP 中。线粒体与过氧化物酶体对氧的敏感性是不 一样的,线粒体氧化所需的最佳氧浓度为 2%左 右,增加氧浓度,并不提高线粒体的氧化能力。 过氧化物酶体与线粒体不同, 它的氧化率是随 氧张力增强而成正比地提高(图 7-44)。因此,在 低浓度氧的条件下,线粒体利用氧的能力比过 氧化物酶体强,但在高浓度氧的情况下,过氧化 物酶体的氧化反应占主导地位,这种特性使过 氧化物酶体具有使细胞免受高浓度氧的毒性 作用。 五、计算与推理(第 1 题必做,2、3 选一题, 每题 5 分,共 10 分) 1. Answer: There are six nucleosomes per helical turn of the solenoid structure, and one helical turn of the solenoid corresponds to slightly less than 30nm along the length of a chromatin thick fiber.Assuming, for simplicity of calculation, one helical turn per 30 nm, then there are 6 nucleosomes per 30-nm stretch of thick fiber. A 900-nm-long, thick fiber thus has 30 solenoid turns (900 nm divided by 30 nm/turn) and contains 180 nucleosomes (6 nucleosomes/turn ×30 turns).The DNA content of each human nucleosome plus the linker DNA connecting it to adjacent nucleosomes is about 200 bp. This thick fiber thus contains 36,000 bp of DNA: (200 bp/nucleosome) × (180 nucleosomes/900-nm thick fiber). 2. Answer: Loss of cyclin leads to inactivation of the mitotic Cdk. As the result, its target proteins become dephosphorylated by phosphatases, and the cells exit mitosis--they disassemble the mitotic spindle, reassemble the nuclear envelope, decondense their chromosomes, and so
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