Unit 3 L. Listen and talk Lead in Dialogue 1 At a Party Key words and patterns l) in full swing:正起劲的、正有声有色地进行 2) eat sb. out of the house and home:把某人吃穷 3) hit it off(with):(口语)(与)合得来 4) outgoing;外向的、善于交际的 5) adventurous:喜欢冒险的、敢作敢为的 6) hiking:徒步旅行 7) Good to see you could make it.很高兴你能赶来。 8)I’ d like you to meet my sister.我想让你认识一下我妹妹。 9) Let me introduce her to you.我来介绍她给你认识 10) I never know you were into that.我还不知道你迷上这个了 Dialogue 2 At a Concert Key words and patterns 1)NSync: a pop music group in the U.S. with members including Justin Timberlake, Lansten Bass, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone Jr, and Joshua Scott chasez.超级男孩 2)Backstreet Boys: a pop music group in the U.S. formed in the mid-1990s with members including Kevin Richardson, Nick Carter, Brian"Brok"Littrell, A.J. McLean and Howie D. i 街男孩 3) kinda:( colleg. kind o)多少有一点、有几分 4) sellout:售罄的商品 5) fade of:逐渐消失、逐渐变弱 6) Nice to see you here:很高兴在这儿见到你。 7) I prefer… I especially like….我更喜欢…我尤其喜欢1 Unit 3 I. Listen and Talk • Lead in Dialogue 1 At a Party Key words and patterns: 1) in full swing: 正起劲的、正有声有色地进行 2) eat sb. out of the house and home: 把某人吃穷 3) hit it off (with): (口语) (与…)合得来 4) outgoing: 外向的、善于交际的 5) adventurous: 喜欢冒险的、敢作敢为的 6) hiking: 徒步旅行 7) Good to see you could make it. 很高兴你能赶来。 8) I’d like you to meet my sister. 我想让你认识一下我妹妹。 9) Let me introduce her to you. 我来介绍她给你认识。 10) I never know you were into that. 我还不知道你迷上这个了。 Dialogue 2 At a Concert Key words and patterns: 1) ‘NSync: a pop music group in the U.S. with members including Justin Timberlake, Lansten Bass, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone Jr., and Joshua Scott Chasez. 超级男孩 2) Backstreet Boys: a pop music group in the U.S. formed in the mid-1990s with members including Kevin Richardson, Nick Carter, Brian “Brok” Littrell, A.J. McLean and Howie D. 后 街男孩 3) kinda: (colloq. kind of) 多少有一点、有几分 4) sellout: 售罄的商品 5) fade off: 逐渐消失、逐渐变弱 6) Nice to see you here:很高兴在这儿见到你。 7)I prefer …/ I especially like … 我更喜欢…/我尤其喜欢…
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