124 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Zhu et al. Vol. 82. No ↑↑↑ 2n Fig 19. Lateral surfaces of Hi-Nicalon TM/SiC specimens fractured in air at 1300C under a maximum stress of 120 MPa((a) fatigue and (b) creep). koum 10o (b) Fig. 20. Fracture surfaces of Hi-Nicalon TM/SiC specimens fractured in air at 1300oC under the maximum stress of 120 MPa(a) fatigue and(b)Fig. 19. Lateral surfaces of Hi-Nicalon™/SiC specimens fractured in air at 1300°C under a maximum stress of 120 MPa ((a) fatigue and (b) creep). Fig. 20. Fracture surfaces of Hi-Nicalon™/SiC specimens fractured in air at 1300°C under the maximum stress of 120 MPa ((a) fatigue and (b) creep). 124 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zhu et al. Vol. 82, No. 1
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