CIVL439/W00D476 Reliability Based Design Design equation Factored ActionsFactored Resistance .RELAN software-Dr.R.Foschi(UBC) Resistance (Rs Load (La)Calibration factor Where does the strength of wood come from? Softwood and Hardwood Wood Anatomy Hardwoods Gymnosperms Angiosperms 7CIVL439/WOOD476 7 Reliability Based Design • R.O. Foschi, B. Folz, and F. Yao (1993) Reliability-based design of wood structures: background to CSA-086.1-M89. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 30(3):349-357. • Reliability-Based Design of Wood Structures – Structural Research Series, report No. 34. Department of Civil Engineering. UBC Vancouver BC. ISBN 0-88865-356-5 • RELAN software – Dr. R. Foschi (UBC) Design equation Factored Action ≤ Factored Resistance F N ti l B ildi C d F t i l ifi αL ≤ φ R Load factor Load (L95) Calibration factor Resistance (R05) From National Building Code (same for all materials) From material specific design code, e.g. O86.1 Where does the strength of wood come from? Softwood and Hardwood Softwood Gymnosperms Hardwoods Angiosperms Growth rings Late wood Heartwood Wood Anatomy Early wood Sapwood Bark
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