Derangement les problemes des rencontres ESSAY DANALYSE Two decks,A and B,of cards: 5U我 LES JEUX DE HAZARD. The cards of A are laid out in a row, Par M:Remond de Montmort. and those of B are placed at random, one at the top on each card of A. w光a What is the probability that A PARIS, Chez JAcov Qo,Imprimeur-Jure-Libraire de I'Univerlite,rue Galande. no 2 cards are the same in each pair? M D CC V I I L AVEC APPROBATION ET PRINILIGE DU ROYDerangement Two decks, A and B, of cards: The cards of A are laid out in a row, and those of B are placed at random, one at the top on each card of A. What is the probability that no 2 cards are the same in each pair? les problèmes des rencontrés :
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