sensible:n.“明智的,合理的” e.g. a.She is sensible with her money.她花钱很明智。 b.He was fully sensible of his own shortcomings..他完全知道自己的缺点。 易混淆的词: sensitive(to/about)“(对…)敏感的”; sentimental“感情上的,易动感情的” e.g. a.Don't mention she's put on weight-she is very sensitive about it. 不要说她胖了—她对此非常敏感。 b.She kept all the old photographs for sentimental reasons. 她保存所有的旧照片是出于感情上的原因。 sensible: n. “明智的,合理的” e.g. a. She is sensible with her money. 她花钱很明智。 b. He was fully sensible of his own shortcomings. 他完全知道自己的缺点。 易混淆的词: sensitive (to/about) “(对······)敏感的”; sentimental “感情上的,易动感情的” e.g. a. Don’t mention she’s put on weight — she is very sensitive about it. 不要说她胖了——她对此非常敏感。 b. She kept all the old photographs for sentimental reasons. 她保存所有的旧照片是出于感情上的原因
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