如遇火灾请记得先按警铃。 In nocase can we betray our motherland. 在任何情况下我们都不能背叛自己的祖国。 You are always complaining about yourjob!In that case,why don't you quit? 你总在抱怨你的工作!既然那样,你干吗不辞职呢? In most cases,women tend to be more sensitive than men. 在大多数情况下,女性都比男性敏感。 Many people would not label themselves a workaholic. 很多人都不把自己归为工作狂。 这句话中“labe”用作动词,意思是“给…贴上标签.将…归类。这里用到了 短语"label sb.assb./sth.",其中介词"as”可省去。 He waslabeled(as)a troublemaker by his colleagues. 他的同事们都把他归为挑起事端的那一类人。 Mary's neighbor has labeled her(as)an influential mother in the community. 玛丽的邻居都认为她是社区内极具影响力的母亲。 "abe”作为动词的其他用法还有: label sth.sth./label sth.with sth.给贴上…(标签等) The product is labeled"Made in China". 这个产品上贴着“中国制造”的标签。 All the products are labeled with comprehensive instructions. 所有的产品上都贴有详细的使用说明。 "laber”作为名词有两个主要的含义 ①标签,标记;②称号,绰号,外号。 I read the information on the label before deciding which yogurt to buy 我先看酸奶标签上的说明,再决定买哪种。 They stuck a label "Hello Kitty"on the newcomer in the office. 他们给办公室新来的人取了个外号叫凯蒂猫。 如遇火灾请记得先按警铃。 In no case can we betray our motherland. 在任何情况下我们都不能背叛自己的祖国。 You are always complaining about your job! In that case, why don't you quit? 你总在抱怨你的工作!既然那样,你干吗不辞职呢? In most cases, women tend to be more sensitive than men. 在大多数情况下,女性都比男性敏感。 Many people would not label themselves a workaholic. 很多人都不把自己归为工作狂。 这句话中“label”用作动词,意思是“给……贴上标签,将……归类”。这里用到了 短语“label sb. as sb./sth.”,其中介词“as”可省去。 He was labeled (as) a troublemaker by his colleagues. 他的同事们都把他归为挑起事端的那一类人。 Mary's neighbor has labeled her (as) an influential mother in the community. 玛丽的邻居都认为她是社区内极具影响力的母亲。 “label”作为动词的其他用法还有: label sth. sth./label sth. with sth. 给……贴上……(标签等) The product is labeled "Made in China". 这个产品上贴着“中国制造”的标签。 All the products are labeled with comprehensive instructions. 所有的产品上都贴有详细的使用说明。 “label”作为名词有两个主要的含义: ① 标签,标记;②称号,绰号,外号。 I read the information on the label before deciding which yogurt to buy. 我先看酸奶标签上的说明,再决定买哪种。 They stuck a label "Hello Kitty" on the newcomer in the office. 他们给办公室新来的人取了个外号叫“凯蒂猫
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