(Down in the pit.) Paramedics bring in a baby,and Alex responds ALEX:What's going on? PARAMEDIC:Pre abnc5PGrematchea wbom found in a trashcan at Turner prep school The ALEX:You didn'tstart an IV.He's dehydrated PARAMEDIC:Couldn't find a vein. 26ng8tR8vacaa6tnLQnwodeand1lnodanoaealnaba8on OLIVIA:They oulled me from the floor.I'm just down here helping with the flu overflow.Alex how old is that baby? OLIVIA:Wait,wait what are you doing? ALEX:If you think I'm going to leave this sick premature infantin the OR. OLIVIA:He has to be admitted.You can'tjust take him. ALEX:Just page Addison Shepherd.Tell her to meet me in the NICU. ADDISON:Karev? ALEX:Premature newborn with Petechia ADDISON:What's his platelet count? ALEX17,000. ADDISON:17,000?Did you transfuse platelets? ALEX:Yes but it didn't help. ADDISON:Where's the mother? ALEX:I don'tknow. 8o6O5%rlmethgX8nc7etemoterstorve,lh1eoed ALEX:I don't know.The baby was found in a trash can at a high school. ADDISON:They left him in a trash can? ALEX:He's got some inner abdominal bleeding on the CT.You wanna run some more- (Down in the pit.) Paramedics bring in a baby, and Alex responds ALEX: What's going on? PARAMEDIC: Premature newborn found in a trashcan at Turner prep school. The Umbilical cord's still attached. ALEX: You didn't start an IV. He's dehydrated. PARAMEDIC: Couldn't find a vein. ALEX: I need to get IV access. Get me an I.O. needle and I need a neonatal intubation kit. Olivia go MOVE! OLIVIA: They pulled me from the floor. I'm just down here helping with the flu overflow. Alex how old is that baby? (Alex grabs the baby and starts at a run for anywhere that's not covered in flu germs.) OLIVIA: Wait, wait what are you doing? ALEX: If you think I'm going to leave this sick premature infant in the OR. OLIVIA: He has to be admitted. You can't just take him. ALEX: Just page Addison Shepherd. Tell her to meet me in the NICU. - ADDISON: Karev? ALEX: Premature newborn with Petechia. ADDISON: What's his platelet count? ALEX: 17,000. ADDISON: 17,000? Did you transfuse platelets? ALEX: Yes but it didn't help. ADDISON: Where's the mother? ALEX: I don't know. ADDISON: Dr. Karev, I'm not asking you where the mother is for my health. I expect you to use your brain. Where is the mother? ALEX: I don't know. The baby was found in a trash can at a high school. ADDISON: They left him in a trash can? ALEX: He's got some inner abdominal bleeding on the CT. You wanna run some more
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