域和多边经济治理的行为普遍存在.因此,国际经济法的基本原则将通过这些“国 际法庭“的要案来分析。本课程主要采取课堂案例讨论和阅读的形式来进行。 2.英文简介 Since the establishment of the Bretton Woods System in the aftermath of the relations towards interdependence and integration.International economic law is concerned with the governance of international economic relations between states and involves the public intemational law and domestic law applicable to intemational business transactions between private parties.The concems of intemational economi law relate to the international economy,and involve sales of goods,trade in services, intellectual property licensing and protection,interational finance and foreign direct investment,as well as the settlement of disputes relating thereto.Concems arise as to the coherence and compatibility of these processes an efforts with respect to national and global economic development and overall welfare.Numerous regulations and agreements of international organization such as the WTO and ICSID concern interational trade and investment,but the legal framework of intemational economy remains indefinite and The recent dramati of the international economic legal order,in particular the initiation of Belt and Road Initiatives,is generally attributed to a increasing needs for in-depth examination of the IEL 三、课程性质与教学目的 (一)课程性质 广东财经大学法学院本科的专业选修课,是法学专业全英课程之一,每周四 个学时 (二)教学目的 《国际经济法学》是在《国际法》以及《国际私法》课程的背景知识基础上, 以英文原文案例为内容,力图以WTO中国案例为主线,从专家组和上诉机构的 报告中,启发学生以WTO规则进行法律适用、法律解释、法律推理的法学思维 和兴趣,进一步巩固和强化学生的国际经济法基本理论,在全英文授课的“浸渍 下”逐步培养学生以英文文献研究、分析和解决国际经济法律问题的综合能力。 通过本课程的教学,力求使学生达到: 1.理解和批判地认识国际经济体系中的机构、规则、原则、以及准确把握经济 全球化下的主要法律和改箭问颗: 2.能在复杂的问题、难题、目标和原则中准确甄别解释wTO协议条款问题时适 用的原则及能全面审查解释V"TO协议条款的条件: 3.能结合我因政策实践和世界经济发展的需要,以国际经济规则对标中国贸易 政策并为其修改和完善提供对策及解决思路。 On the basis of the fundamental knowledge of interational economic law,public international law and private international law,this course explores cases which is 2 域和多边经济治理的行为普遍存在。因此,国际经济法的基本原则将通过这些“国 际法庭”的要案来分析。本课程主要采取课堂案例讨论和阅读的形式来进行。 2.英文简介 Since the establishment of the Bretton Woods System in the aftermath of the Second World War, we have seen an extraordinary evolution of international economic relations towards interdependence and integration. International economic law is concerned with the governance of international economic relations between states and involves the public international law and domestic law applicable to international business transactions between private parties. The concerns of international economic law relate to the international economy, and involve sales of goods, trade in services, intellectual property licensing and protection, international finance and foreign direct investment, as well as the settlement of disputes relating thereto. Concerns arise as to the coherence and compatibility of these processes and efforts with respect to national and global economic development, and overall welfare. Numerous regulations and agreements of international organization such as the WTO and ICSID concern international trade and investment, but the legal framework of international economy remains indefinite and fragmented. The recent dramatic transformation of the international economic legal order, in particular the initiation of Belt and Road Initiatives, is generally attributed to a increasing needs for in-depth examination of the IEL. 三、课程性质与教学目的 (一)课程性质 广东财经大学法学院本科的专业选修课,是法学专业全英课程之一,每周四 个学时。 (二)教学目的 《国际经济法学》是在《国际法》以及《国际私法》课程的背景知识基础上, 以英文原文案例为内容,力图以 WTO 中国案例为主线,从专家组和上诉机构的 报告中,启发学生以 WTO 规则进行法律适用、法律解释、法律推理的法学思维 和兴趣,进一步巩固和强化学生的国际经济法基本理论,在全英文授课的“浸渍 下”逐步培养学生以英文文献研究、分析和解决国际经济法律问题的综合能力。 通过本课程的教学,力求使学生达到: 1. 理解和批判地认识国际经济体系中的机构、规则、原则、以及准确把握经济 全球化下的主要法律和政策问题; 2. 能在复杂的问题、难题、目标和原则中准确甄别解释 WTO 协议条款问题时适 用的原则及能全面审查解释 WTO 协议条款的条件; 3. 能结合我国政策实践和世界经济发展的需要,以国际经济规则对标中国贸易 政策并为其修改和完善提供对策及解决思路。 On the basis of the fundamental knowledge of international economic law, public international law and private international law, this course explores cases which is
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