Types of Communication Networks Communication dComputer Systems How Technology Affects Organizations Teaching Methods: Lecturing.presentation.discussion.teamwork and case study with the aid of multi-media Chap 12.Hu Res urce mana 思政内容:以习主席新时代社会主义理论为指导,将其中的核心思想转化为在新的形势下,我们招聘 什么样人,如何招聘人;培养什么样人,如何培养人;使用什么样人,如何使用人;考核什么样人, 如何考核人:激励什么样人,如何激励人的知识体系、思想体系、方法论体系和话语体系,树立学生 道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信。 Many organizations are well aware of the importance of having strong human resource management policies and practices.Eric erbos-E inck,founder of Bravonestor.com, sees himself as a globalistic However, of th om the tra onal ropean me workers.who also happen to be from different countries and cultures.As Perbos-Brinck continues to bri such employees onboard,he needs an effective employee orientation program to help them assimilate to this company as well as the French cul What should this orientation program include?This chapter explores the necessary components of an effective and efficient human resource management system Lecture Outline ntrodu Why n Resource Management Is The Human Resource Management Process Human Resource Planning Current Recruitmen nan Resource Needs en Recruitment Decruitment nd re Types of Selection Devices The Application Form 1414 Types of Communication Networks The Grapevine Understanding Information Technology How Technology Affects Managerial Communication Networked Computer Systems Wireless Capabilities How Information Technology Affects Organizations Home Assignments: Review the questions listed in the lecture outline. Teaching Methods: Lecturing, presentation, discussion, teamwork and case study with the aid of multi-media Chap 12. Human Resource Management 思政内容:以习主席新时代社会主义理论为指导,将其中的核心思想转化为在新的形势下,我们招聘 什么样人,如何招聘人;培养什么样人,如何培养人;使用什么样人,如何使用人;考核什么样人, 如何考核人;激励什么样人,如何激励人的知识体系、思想体系、方法论体系和话语体系,树立学生 道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信。 Many organizations are well aware of the importance of having strong human resource management policies and practices. Eric Perbos-Brinck, founder of Bravonestor.com, sees himself as a globalistic thinker. However, his view of the world is quite different from the traditional European mentality about immigration. In order to meet the needs of his fast-growing organization, Perbos-Brinck has hired many highly skilled workers, who also happen to be from different countries and cultures. As Perbos-Brinck continues to bring such employees onboard, he needs an effective employee orientation program to help them assimilate to this company as well as the French culture. What should this orientation program include? This chapter explores the necessary components of an effective and efficient human resource management system. Lecture Outline Introduction Why Human Resource Management Is Important The Human Resource Management Process Human Resource Planning Current Assessment Meeting Future Human Resource Needs Recruitment and Decruitment Recruitment Decruitment Selection What Is Selection? Validity and Reliability Types of Selection Devices The Application Form
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