K Nubian et al. /Journal of the European Ceramic Society 20(2000)537-544 gap was insufficient for providing an effective long-term 2. Scheffier, w. Multilayer fiber coating. US Patent No. 5,445 106 damage-tolerance. While a gap thickness of 100 nm can be regarded as maximum, thus gap ranging between 50 3. Stolle. R. and Wahl. G. Direct transfer of kinetic data from a and 100 nm can be recommended for successful results microbalance equipment into a tube reactor for CVD-BN on Sic Acknowledgement 4. Pulver. M. and Wahl. G. Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf and 1lth European Conf on CVD, 1997, 960-967 5. Fukuda, R, Nagata, S, Negishi, A, Kasuga. Y, and Okuo. T, Ms. Gudrun Paul is thanked for her careful work in pre- Comm. Eur. Communities, Report, 1991 aration of the difficult TEM samples of the composites 6. Brennfleck, K, Fitzer, E and Schoch, G, In Proc. of Sth Europ Conf. CID, ed J.O. Carlsson and J. Lindstrom, Uppsala, 1985 Referen 7. Balog, M.. Schieber. M., Michman, M. and Patai, S. Thin Solid Films,1977,47,109-120. 1. Ogbuki, L. U.J. T, A porous oxidation-resistant fiber coating 8. Carman, P. C, Flow of Gases through Pore dia. butter for CMC interphase Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 1995. 6(4), 497-505 worths Scientific Publications. London. 1956gap was insucient for providing an e€ective long-term damage-tolerance. While a gap thickness of 100 nm can be regarded as maximum, thus gap ranging between 50 and 100 nm can be recommended for successful results. Acknowledgements Ms. Gudrun Paul is thanked for her careful work in pre￾paration of the dicult TEM samples of the composites. References 1. Ogbuki, L. U. J. T., A porous oxidation-resistant ®ber coating for CMC interphase. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 1995, 6(4), 497±505. 2. Scheer, W., Multilayer ®ber coating, US Patent No. 5,445,106, 1996. 3. Stolle, R. and Wahl, G., Direct transfer of kinetic data from a microbalance equipment into a tube reactor for CVD-BN on SiC fabrics. Advanced Materials, Chem. Vap. Deposition, 2000, in press. 4. Pulver, M. and Wahl, G. Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. and 11th European Conf. on CVD, l997, 960±967. 5. Fukuda, R., Nagata, S., Negishi, A., Kasuga, Y., and Okuo. T., Comm. Eur. Communities, Report, 1991. 6. Brenn¯eck, K., Fitzer, E. and Schoch, G., In Proc. of 5th Europ. Conf. CVD, ed. J. O. Carlsson and J. LindstroÈm, Uppsala, 1985, pp. 63±70. 7. Balog, M., Schieber, M., Michman, M. and Patai, S., Thin Solid Films, 1977, 47, 109±120. 8. Carman, P. C., Flow of Gases through Porous Media. Butter￾worths Scienti®c Publications, London, 1956. 544 K. Nubian et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 20 (2000) 537±544
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