AD-A206 157 T DOCUMENTATION PAGE Unclassified 4 PERFORMING O☑ Technical Report #89-1. maT Washington University ersonnel 6 Training Research Programs 设,0 Ss 01486K0239 JMENT元NCA-CN NUMBE习 RESS (Gry.Sute.and Coo) 10.SOURCE OF PUNDING NLMBERS 5s 61153N RR04206RR04206-0AXR442 The Attention System of the Hman Brain and Steven E.Petersen Technicalo 05 10 19R Cononuee ny and ofnaly by Sock New icalanalysis.and have revealed DTIC ELECTE 20MAR1989 Uneiassc CC 活0j6336浴”o6煮置2学 DO FORM 1473.M 89 AD-A206 157 ,T DOCUMENTATION PAGE l. ESMTaCTIVE MAA NiGMS Unclassified O , ,"O" 2a SECURirY C-.SS.-..N 3. 0tSTRJ8UTIONIAVAiLf4IU ' Y OF REPORT Approved for public release: Z. DECLASS ICA-,ON 0ow,,Ja-NNG SO'UL-E distribution unlimited. 4. PERFOMING~ ORG-ANZATION RE.POR N4UM8FSM S. 'ACWTO6ING ORCJ6NLATION REPORT N4,MSER(S) Technical Report #89-1. 6,a. %rAME O; PERORMNG ORGAZ.ATION 6b OP;;IC SO . 7a. kAA OF MOW4TOmNG ORGANIZA-ION Washington University 'f , ffice of Naval Research (Code 1142PT) ersonnel & Training Research Prozrams .- .Z-0RESS [Cr. Sure. WWI -"7P odeJ b ADORESS (City. Sate. am :IP Cooe) 660 S. Euclid, Box 8111 00 North Quincy Street Department of Neurology lington, VA 22217 St. Louis IMD 63110 Ui. 14.Me 0; UNOLNG:SPOiS0;aIkG &b. 0"<:- SYMBOL 9PROCI EbAENT INS71MENT ON C;<A-CN NUMBER ORGANoZATION " N00014-86-K0289 5L ;O-ASS (0 y. Staw. and ZP Co=o) 10. SOURCI OF PIJNCNG NUMSERS PROKPAM PROJECT, rASK V- - ELEME1T NO. N O. .CFSS.c',, E '-'C '61153N RR04206 'RR04206-OA NR4422- 7!7L (rKIrLc' SeCURVY ?-fCa tPIco Vj The Attention System of the Human Brain 12. PERSONAL ALTi..ORM5 Michael I. Posner and Steven E. Petersen '2a. -,Y*.K OF REPORT 13b. flME COVERED 4. DATE OF REPORT (Y~. AionU',k. Day) 5 PA-GE'COUNT Technical mom 7/1/88 To 6§/30/8 February 28, 1989 25 "6. 5.PPLEM.NT.RY NO-"'I7GN :7 CCS,;.TI Z-.:ES I 1 6 SU8JECT TERMS (Caru om an 'e-,,se J ,eCeunay and ,lr,'-y my biocx numoer) riEL' GROUP ISUB-GROUP 05 1 10 I 11 Z-as-RAC7 kcanaermj ~ran .f PWV.~avy and 4IOty by -W=~ nufflaer The concept of attention as central to human performance extends back to the start of experimental psychology (James, 1890j, yet even a few years ago, it would not have been possible to outline in even a preliminary form a functional anatomy of the human attentional system. New developments in newrmscience (+H-lfnrd & Picton, 4987; Raichle, 1983; Wurtz, Goldberg & Robinson, 1980) have opened the study of highcr cognition to physiological analysis, and have revealed a system of anatomical areas that appear to be basic to the selection of information for focal (conscious) processing. ~ '5ig T -.. aa..y iai ~ ES~.'21 AISTUcC SiC.-Airv-,S;rC;-C MuwCL~ss-ieoDumuur-o sAme As wT 0 O7'C Unclassified :2a ,,. ;..Z F. C ,'': a=..SO . .. 2t= 'r .. ; :P O'tt. r, ,.t C:.e. C , + Michael 1. Posner I/ : r.,_ , o ,I 50m 686 -49A c oo . 1142 PT DO OQ W 1473, m-_a .- . . , : ..-. , e.: '.: sEcLMY C .;I, c"-:Oo c OFg , . - 89 x a
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