VISHAY HS0038B Vishay Telefunken Photo Modules for PCM Remote Control Systems Description PIN diode and amge is designed ast opoxy 9aneadRYehotecotareeverseneS.3Lporihg all major transmission codes 140 Features 。Photo dete or and preamplifier in one package ·Suitable burst length≥10 cycles/burs .Intemal filter for PCM frequency Low power consumption .TTL and CMOS compatibility .High immunity against ambient light ·Output active low .Improved shielding against electrical field data ransmision possibe disturbance Block Diagram 0k2 U Rer70e0eb6r2o2HS0038B Vishay Telefunken Rev. 7, 05-Dec-00 1 (7) Document Number 82002 www.vishay.com Photo Modules for PCM Remote Control Systems Description The HS0038B – series are miniaturized receivers for infrared remote control systems. PIN diode and preamplifier are assembled on lead frame, the epoxy package is designed as IR filter. The demodulated output signal can directly be decoded by a microprocessor. HS0038B is the standard IR remote control receiver series, supporting all major transmission codes. 14 500 Features  Photo detector and preamplifier in one package  Internal filter for PCM frequency  TTL and CMOS compatibility  Output active low  Improved shielding against electrical field disturbance  Suitable burst length ≥10 cycles/burst  Low power consumption  High immunity against ambient light  Continuous data transmission possible (800 bit/s) Block Diagram 9612226 PIN Input AGC Control Circuit Band Pass Demodu￾lator 30 k 2 3 1 VS OUT GND
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