stocks "model to explain the Week 9 Interest rate Suhua Tian(2010) Features of Grasp the structure and Ch7-8 variation In mechanism and interest rate change; Robertson(1937): interest rate and direction of the Monetary factors Clinton (1988) exchange rate changes in interest that affect interest after the change rate and exchange rate and exchange in money supply rate caused by the rate the of Week10 Changes in Suhua Tian(2010) What are the Skill at analyzing aggregate demand Ch 9: Bernanke related factors of the process of how and the transmission and Gertler(1995) the lag effects of the monetary mechanism of policy causes money on real economy? aggregate demand change with the lag effects of IS-LM mod monetary policy Week 11Economic Suhua Tian(2010) What are the Comprehend the Equilibrium and Ch 10: Lucas differences in the causes of inflation Macro-economic (1976 and the Management assumptions and effectiveness of implications of policy to manage classical model, gross output; Skill neoclassical at analyzing the macroeconomic aggregate output model and new effect and inflation effect of model? monetary policies under various premise using AD-AS model Week 12 Categories of Suhua Tian(2010) Why do we need to Comprehend the monetary policy Ch.11: B set intermediate tools to implement Friedman (1988) target and monetary policies, strategv open-market operations Discuss the selection rediscount, criteria of setting required deposi these targets reserves ratio: QE Monetary poli4 stocks” model to explain the instable phenomenon of money demand functions Week 9 Interest rate structure and interest rate change; Monetary factors that affect interest rate and exchange rate Suhua Tian (2010) Ch.7-8; Robertson(1937); Clinton(1988) Features of variation in interest rate and exchange rate after the change in money supply Grasp the mechanism and direction of the changes in interest rate and exchange rate caused by the change in the quantity of money Week10 Changes in aggregate demand and the transmission mechanism of money policy Suhua Tian (2010) Ch.9; Bernanke and Gertler(1995) What are the related factors of the lag effects of monetary policy on real economy? How to estimate the lag effects of monetary policy? Skill at analyzing the process of how the monetary policy causes aggregate demand to change with IS-LM model Week 11 Economic Equilibrium and Macro-economic Management Suhua Tian (2010) Ch.10; Lucas (1976) What are the differences in the premise, assumptions and policy implications of classical model, neoclassical macroeconomic model and new Keynesian model? Comprehend the causes of inflation and the effectiveness of using monetary policy to manage gross output; Skill at analyzing the aggregate output effect and inflation effect of monetary policies under various premise using AD-AS model Week 12 Categories of monetary policy tools and implementation strategy Suhua Tian (2010) Ch.11; B. Friedman(1988) Why do we need to set intermediate target and operational target in implementing monetary policies? Discuss the selection criteria of setting these targets Comprehend the tools to implement monetary policies, including open-market operations, rediscount, required deposit reserves ratio;QE Monetary Policy
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