M Aggregated Utility 16888 E5077 The total utility becomes the weighted sum of partial utilities sometimes called multi-attribute utility analysIS MAUa E.g. two utilities combined: U(JI,J2)=Kk,kU(1)U(2)+k,U(1)+k,U(2) For 2 objectives: K=(-K-k2)/k,k2 Combine single utilities into overall utility function kis determined during interviews Steps: MAUA K is dependent scaling facto 1. Identify Critical Objectives/Attrib 2. Develop Interview Questionnaire 3. Administer Questionnaire 1.0 customer 14. Develop Agg. Utility Function customer 2 5. Analyze Results customer 3 Caution: "Utility"is a surrogate for value" but while " value interviews Attribute j;(performance j) has units of [$], utility is o Massachusetts Institute of Technology unitless Engineering Systems Division and Dept of Aeronautics and Astronautics12 © Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Prof. de Weck and Prof. Willcox Engineering Systems Division and Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aggregated Utility Aggregated Utility The total utility becomes the weighted sum of partial utilities: Attribute Ji customer 1 customer 2 customer 3 Caution: “Utility” is a surrogate for “value”, but while “value” has units of [$], utility is unitless. interviews Combine single utilities into overall utility function: Steps: MAUA 1. Identify Critical Objectives/Attrib. 2. Develop Interview Questionnaire 3. Administer Questionnaire 4. Develop Agg. Utility Function 5. Analyze Results (performance i) Ui(Ji ) ki’s determined during interviews K is dependent scaling factor … sometimes called multi-attribute utility analysis (MAUA) 1.0 E.g. two utilities combined: ( ) 1 2 12 1 2 1 1 2 2 U J J Kk k U J U J k U J k U J , ()( ) () ( ) = ++ For 2 objectives: 1 2 12 K =−− (1 ) / k k kk