(L:Li Ming S Mr.Smith H:Mrs.Hunt) 李明:大家都在这儿吧? L:Is everybody here? 亨特夫人:是的。 H:Yes. 史密斯先生:飞机几点起飞? S:When does the plane take off? 李:10点30分。还有一个小时。 L:At ten thirty.There's still one hour to go. 亨:李先生,在过去这一个多月的行程中, H:Mr.Li,during our trip in the past month or so, 你在各个方面都关心我们,我真不知道 you've shown your concern for us in every 该怎样表达谢意。 respect.I really don't know how to express my 李:你这样说太客气了。 gratitude. 史:我在中国过得很愉快,去了许多名胜古 L:It's very nice of you to say so. 迹并且还和李先生学了些中文。 S:I've had a very enjoyable stay in China.I've been 亨:这趟中国之行给我的印象很深。 to many tourist attractions and places of 李:我真高兴你们能过得很愉快。 historical interest.What's more,I've picked up 史:多亏了这次旅行,我认识了许多中国朋 some Chinese from Mr:Li. 友。 H:This trip to China has been very impressive for 亨:我来中国之前,只是通过书籍,报纸, me. 电视和电影了解中国,现在我亲眼看到 L:I'm so happy that you've had a good time. 了中国。 S:Thanks to the trip,I've made acquaintances with so many Chinese friends. H:Before I came here,I only had an understanding of China from books and papers,television and films.Now I've seen China with my own eyes.22 (L :Li Ming S :Mr. Smith H :Mrs. Hunt) L: Is everybody here? H: Yes. S: When does the plane take off? L: At ten thirty. There's still one hour to go. H: Mr. Li, during our trip in the past month or so, you've shown your concern for us in every respect. I really don't know how to express my gratitude. L: It's very nice of you to say so. S: I've had a very enjoyable stay in China. I've been to many tourist attractions and places of historical interest. What's more, I've picked up some Chinese from Mr. Li. H: This trip to China has been very impressive for me. L: I'm so happy that you've had a good time. S: Thanks to the trip, I've made acquaintances with so many Chinese friends. H: Before I came here, I only had an understanding of China from books and papers, television and films. Now I've seen China with my own eyes. 李明:大家都在这儿吧? 亨特夫人:是的。 史密斯先生:飞机几点起飞? 李:10点30分。还有一个小时。 亨:李先生,在过去这一个多月的行程中, 你在各个方面都关心我们,我真不知道 该怎样表达谢意。 李:你这样说太客气了。 史:我在中国过得很愉快,去了许多名胜古 迹并且还和李先生学了些中文。 亨:这趟中国之行给我的印象很深。 李:我真高兴你们能过得很愉快。 史:多亏了这次旅行,我认识了许多中国朋 友。 亨:我来中国之前,只是通过书籍,报纸, 电视和电影了解中国,现在我亲眼看到 了中国
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