《高级Java语言程序设计》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息(黑体.小4) 课程代码:16098403 课程名称:高级Java语言程序设计 英文名称:Java Program Design 课程类别:专业课 时:48 学 分:3 适用对象:信科专业学生 考核方式:考试 先修课程:C语言程序设计 二、课程简介(黑体,小4) 互联网与移动互联网应用发展迅猛。Java以其优良的可移植性、安全性、卓越的 并行处理能力,以及奖状、健康的开原生态体系,已经成为网络应用开发的首选余元 并成为非常流行的Android移动操作系统的开发语言,Java语言己经成为了当前最流 行最受欢迎的语言之一。因此掌握和熟练使用Java语言,正逐渐成为计算机相关专业 学生的一项必须具有的技能。本课程主要讲授Java的基本知识和其在面向对象开发中 所具有的特性,让学生能够掌握Java的基本编程方法和思想,对于后续学习打好坚实 的基础。 Currently,Intemnet and mobile internet are developing rapidly.Due to its great trans-portability.and the excellent abilities of safety performances and parallel processing also with its favorable open source system,Java has become the first choice for network application development,and is one of the most popular computer languages as well.It has been the fashionable language for developing Android system already.Therefore,realizing and skillfully using Java is becoming one of the necessary skills for the students who are majoring computers professions.This course mainly includes the basic knowledge about java,and also with its characteristics in object-oriented development,in order to let students master the fundamental methods and ideas about programming with Java,and supply a strong foundation for the following studying. 三、课程性质与教学目的(黑体,小4) 本课程为专业必修课。本课程的教学目的主要是让学生能够掌握Java的基本编程 语法,熟悉基于Java面向对象的设计和编程方法,能够使用Java语言独立解决实际 问题。为将来的网络编程和移动互联开发打好基础。 1 1 《高级 Java 语言程序设计》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息(黑体,小 4) 课程代码:16098403 课程名称:高级 Java 语言程序设计 英文名称:Java Program Design 课程类别:专业课 学 时:48 学 分:3 适用对象: 信科专业学生 考核方式:考试 先修课程:C 语言程序设计 二、课程简介((黑体,小 4) 互联网与移动互联网应用发展迅猛。Java 以其优良的可移植性、安全性、卓越的 并行处理能力,以及奖状、健康的开源生态体系,已经成为网络应用开发的首选余元, 并成为非常流行的 Android 移动操作系统的开发语言,Java 语言已经成为了当前最流 行最受欢迎的语言之一。因此掌握和熟练使用 Java 语言,正逐渐成为计算机相关专业 学生的一项必须具有的技能。本课程主要讲授 Java 的基本知识和其在面向对象开发中 所具有的特性,让学生能够掌握 Java 的基本编程方法和思想,对于后续学习打好坚实 的基础。 Currently, Internet and mobile internet are developing rapidly. Due to its great trans-portability, and the excellent abilities of safety performances and parallel processing, also with its favorable open source system, Java has become the first choice for network application development, and is one of the most popular computer languages as well. It has been the fashionable language for developing Android system already. Therefore, realizing and skillfully using Java is becoming one of the necessary skills for the students who are majoring computers professions. This course mainly includes the basic knowled ge about java, and also with its characteristics in object-oriented development, in order to let students master the fundamental methods and ideas about programming with Java, and supply a strong foundation for the following studying. 三、课程性质与教学目的(黑体,小 4) 本课程为专业必修课。本课程的教学目的主要是让学生能够掌握 Java 的基本编程 语法,熟悉基于 Java 面向对象的设计和编程方法,能够使用 Java 语言独立解决实际 问题。为将来的网络编程和移动互联开发打好基础
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