esson 10-The green Banana II. Ethnocentrism andotherrelatedterms Cultural Relativism is an attempt to understand the cultural development of societies and social Cultura groups on their own terms, that is, without trying Relativism to impose absolute ideas of moral value or trying(文化相对主义) to measure different cultural variations in terms of some form of absolute cultural standard this may be a positive value in terms of interethnic relations. By cultural relativism, all cultures are equally worthy of respect and in studying another culture people need to suspend judgment, empathize and try and understand the way that particular culture sees the world. W BTL E To be continued on the next page.W B T L E Cultural Relativism is an attempt to understand the cultural development of societies and social groups on their own terms, that is, without trying to impose absolute ideas of moral value or trying to measure different cultural variations in terms of some form of absolute cultural standard. This may be a positive value in terms of interethnic relations. By cultural relativism, all cultures are equally worthy of respect and in studying another culture people need to suspend judgment, empathize and try and understand the way that particular culture sees the world. Lesson 10 – The Green Banana To be continued on the next page. Cultural Relativism II. Ethnocentrism and other related terms (文化相对主义)
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