A. were: was B. was, was was. were were: were 9.-Do you consider yourself a rude person? not. I always have good manners A. Probably B. Usually D. Certainl 10. -How long they A. have: marrie B. have: been married C. were: married D. did; marry Ⅱ.完形填空(20分) When the Spring Festival falls, red flowers bloom( i f) on the windows of my home. Of course, these are not 11 flowers. But in the cold of 12, these wonderful flowers bring warmth to us. They are made of paper by my 13, who is now aged 70. with a few cuts, she -14 a piece of paper into a beautiful work When my grandma was young, she was considered clumsy(4Ff: B])in the 15 But on a cold winter night, she saw some beautiful red paper 16 on her new neighbour's windows She was so interested in it and decided to 17 from her neighbour. Tons of paper was wasted, and her fingers were cut many times. But she 18 practising. It took 10 years 19 my grandma could make paper art skilfully(AA#t). The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up her world. Now, everyone in the village 20her My grandma's story has shown me what it takes to realise one's dream C. full D. sweet 12.Aspring B. summer C. autumn B C. mother D. grandma C. places D. burnsA.were; was B.was; was C.was; were D.were; were 9.—Do you consider yourself a rude person? —________ not. I always have good manners. A.Probably B.Usually C.Generally D.Certainly 10.—How long ________ they ________? —For about 10 years. A.have; married B.have; been married C.were; married D.did; marry Ⅱ.完形填空(20 分) When the Spring Festival falls, red flowers bloom(盛开) on the windows of my home. Of course, these are not__11__ flowers. But in the cold of __12__, these wonderful flowers bring warmth to us. They are made of paper by my __13__, who is now aged 70. With a few cuts, she __14__ a piece of paper into a beautiful work of art. When my grandma was young, she was considered clumsy (笨拙的) in the__15__. But on a cold winter night, she saw some beautiful red paper __16__ on her new neighbour's windows. She was so interested in it and decided to __17__ from her neighbour. Tons of paper was wasted, and her fingers were cut many times. But she __18__ practising. It took 10 years __19__ my grandma could make paper art skilfully(娴熟地). The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up her world. Now, everyone in the village __20__ her. My grandma's story has shown me what it takes to realise one's dream. 11.A.nice B.real C.full D.sweet 12.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter 13.A.sister B.aunt C.mother D.grandma 14.A.changes B.spreads C.places D.burns
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