V.单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分) )1.Mr.Yang divided us four groups to practice the conversation. A.among B.into C.from D.by ()2.The milk has turned _If you drink it,you will have a stomachache A.sour B.delicious C.crispy D.fresh ()3.Grandmother likes to go to the garden and the flowers on spring mornings A.polish B.smell C.taste D.mention ()4.This kind of machine _cutting meat in big restaurants A.is used to B.is made from C.is made into D.is used for ()5.The article told us to get good scores in the exams. A.where B.what C.who D.how ()6. is said that our history teacher often does volunteer work on weekends. A.One B.It C.This D.That ()7.-How delicious these bananas are! -Yeah.They here from Hainan yesterday. A.are brought B.brought C.were brought D.have brought ()8.Ruth's friends are all girls.Jack is the only boy. A.nearly B.completely C.specially D.truly ()9.Bill said nothing could stop him his dream A.to achieve B.from avoiding C.to avoid D.from achieving ()10 the students in the classroom twenty.The others are in the library A.The number of,is B.A number of,are C.The number of,are D.A number of,is Ⅵ.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)》 Are you often tired after a long trip?There is a cool product that can help you reduce (the uncomfortable feelings you have 1 a long trip. The Ostrich Pillow(鸵鸟枕)is a kind of pillow which is2_to carry.It can help you nap anytime,3,includ ing in airports and on planes. The Ostrich Pillow was 4 by Ali Ganjavian,who was born in England.He said,"We 5 many hours working every day and sleep is an important part of our day.So I thought why not create a 6 that can help us relax.We have 7 it in airports,libraries,offices,on planes,trains,on a sofa and even on the floor and it's really8” The Ostrich Pillow has a hole into which you can put your head,and a mouth hole that 9 you to breathe easily.It 10 has two side holes where you can put your hands-if you nap at a table in a library,for example. The Ostrich Pillow now can be bought online. )1.A.before B.since C.until D.during )2.A.easy B.difficult C.possible D.impossible )3.A.somewhere B.somebody C.anywhere D.anybody )4.A.required B.bought C.discovered D.inventedⅤ. 单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) ( )1. Mr.Yang divided us four groups to practice the conversation. A. among B. into C. from D. by ( )2. The milk has turned . If you drink it, you will have a stomachache. A. sour B. delicious C. crispy D. fresh ( )3. Grandmother likes to go to the garden and the flowers on spring mornings. A. polish B. smell C. taste D. mention ( )4. This kind of machine cutting meat in big restaurants. A. is used to B. is made from C. is made into D. is used for ( )5. The article told us to get good scores in the exams. A. where B. what C. who D. how ( )6. is said that our history teacher often does volunteer work on weekends. A. One B. It C. This D. That ( )7. —How delicious these bananas are! —Yeah. They here from Hainan yesterday. A. are brought B. brought C. were brought D. have brought ( )8. Ruth’s friends are all girls. Jack is the only boy. A. nearly B. completely C. specially D. truly ( )9. Bill said nothing could stop him his dream. A. to achieve B. from avoiding C. to avoid D. from achieving ( )10. the students in the classroom twenty. The others are in the library. A. The number of, is B. A number of, are C. The number of, are D. A number of, is Ⅵ. 完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Are you often tired after a long trip? There is a cool product that can help you reduce (减少) the uncomfortable feelings you have 1 a long trip. The Ostrich Pillow (鸵鸟枕) is a kind of pillow which is 2 to carry. It can help you nap anytime, 3 , including in airports and on planes. The Ostrich Pillow was 4 by Ali Ganjavian, who was born in England. He said, “We 5 many hours working every day and sleep is an important part of our day. So I thought why not create a 6 that can help us relax … We have 7 it in airports, libraries, offices, on planes, trains, on a sofa and even on the floor and it’s really 8 .” The Ostrich Pillow has a hole into which you can put your head, and a mouth hole that 9 you to breathe easily. It 10 has two side holes where you can put your hands—if you nap at a table in a library, for example. The Ostrich Pillow now can be bought online. ( )1. A. before B. since C. until D. during ( )2. A. easy B. difficult C. possible D. impossible ( )3. A.somewhere B. somebody C. anywhere D. anybody ( )4. A. required B. bought C. discovered D. invented
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