十八世纪和十九世纪讣算技术 1750 Mechanical Weaving Technology Jacquard loom (1801) . Punched card for manual instruction first .Used mechanically in Jacquard Loom .Holes in the punched cards used for the control of the movement of parts of the loom the first programmable process control machine .Operation under program control 北京大学计算机科学技术系 计算机系统结构教研室GÜWÑÇj°_+ ÑÇj+´‰DÔ ‡ 0HFKDQLFDO:HDYLQJ7HFKQRORJ\ ‡ -DFTXDUG/RRP  ‡3XQFKHGFDUGIRUPDQXDOLQVWUXFWLRQILUVW ‡8VHGPHFKDQLFDOO\LQ-DFTXDUG/RRP ‡+ROHVLQWKHSXQFKHGFDUGVXVHGIRUWKH FRQWURORIWKHPRYHPHQWRISDUWVRIWKHORRP ‡WKHILUVWSURJUDPPDEOHSURFHVVFRQWURO PDFKLQH ‡2SHUDWLRQXQGHUSURJUDPFRQWURO q›FÚ¼qFÚÑÇ°_
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