Printing Methods ⚫ Planographic: The process is known as offset lithography and commonly referred to as lithography, offset or litho ⚫ Gravure: The process is rotogravure, sometimes called roto and occasionally referred to as intaglio Printing presses have the following features in common regard1ess of the actual printing method used: ⚫ An accurate material feed system that will present substrate to the printing station in precise register. ⚫ An ink reservoir or ink fountain and a method of introducing ink into the printing train.Printing Methods ⚫ Planographic: The process is known as offset lithography and commonly referred to as lithography, offset or litho ⚫ Gravure: The process is rotogravure, sometimes called roto and occasionally referred to as intaglio Printing presses have the following features in common regard1ess of the actual printing method used: ⚫ An accurate material feed system that will present substrate to the printing station in precise register. ⚫ An ink reservoir or ink fountain and a method of introducing ink into the printing train