1722 R H. Jones, C.H. Henager J: /Journal of the European Ceramic Sociery 25(2005)1717-1722 mechanism map is helping us develop and understand crack 18. Zhu, Y. T, Taylor, S. T, Stout, M.G., Butt, D. P and Lowe, T growth mechanisms and to design improved composite ma C, Kinetics of thermal, passive oxidation of Nicalon fibers.J.4m. Ceram soc.,1998,81,655 19. DiCarlo, J. A, Yun, H. M, Morscher, G. N. and Goldsby, J. C. perature ceramic-matrix composites ll. Cera. Trans., 1995, 58 20. Glime, w. H. and Cawley, J. D, Stress concentration due to This research was supported by Basic Energy Sciences fiber-matrix fusion in ceramic.ms mposites. Am Ceram Soc. United States Department of Energy, under Contract no DE 998,81,2597 ACo6-76RLO 1830 with Pacific Northwest National Labo- 21. Nair, SV, Jakus, K and Lardner, T J, Mechanics of matrix cracking in fiber reinforced ceramic composites containing a viscous interface. ratory, which is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy Mech. mater 199112 229 by Battelle Memorial Institute 22. Yun, H. M. and DiCarlo, J. A, Time/temperature trength of Sic and Al203-based fibers. Ceram. References 23. Tressler, R. E and DiCarlo, J. A, Creep and rupture of advanced ce- amic fiber reinforcements, in h mperature ceramIc-matrix com 1. Henager Jr, C. H. and Jones, R, H, High-temperature plasticity ef- 24. Price, R. J, Properties of silicon carbide for nuclear fuel particle fects in bridged cracks and subcritical crack growth in ceramic com- oatings. Nucl. Technol. 1977. 35. 320 posites. Mater: Sci. Eng, 4, 1993, A166, 211 25. Scholz, R, Mueller, R. and Lesueur, D, Light ion irradiation creep of 2. Henager Jr, C. H and Jones, R. H, Subcritical crack growth in CVI Textron SCS-6 silicon carbide fibers. J. Nuc. Mater. 2002. 307-311 silicon carbide reinforced with Nicalon fibers; experiment and model. J. Am. Ceram Soc. 1994.77. 2381 26. Abbe, F, Vicens, J. and Chermant, J. L, Creep behavior and mi 3. Henager Jr, C. H, Jones, R. H, Windisch Jr, C. F, Stackpoole, M rostructural characterization of a ceramic matrix composite.J.Mater M. and Bordia, R, Time dependent, environmentally assisted crack 1989,8,1026 owth in Nicalon-fiber-reinforced SiC composites at elevated tem- 27. Chermant, J. L, Abbe, F. and Kervadec, D, On the creep of long y perature. Metall. Mater: Trans. A, 1996, 27A, 839 ceramic fibers reinforced ceramic matrix. In Creep Fract. Eng. Mater. Struc., Proc. Int. Conf. 5th, 1993, p. 371 Environmentally-induced failure mechanism mapping for conti 28. Wu, X and Holmes, J. W, Tensile creep and creep-strain recovery be- fiber, ceramic composites Ceram. Trans., 1999, 96, 351 havior of silicon carbide fiber/calcium aluminosilicate matrix ceral 5. Buckner. H. Z Angew Math. 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