Characteristics of line projection直线的投影特性 1.Linearity The projection of a line produces a line. 直线性: 直线的投影仍然是直线(特殊情况积聚为点)。 2.Parallelism The parallelism of lines before and after projection does not change. 平行性: 平行直线的各同面投影仍然平行。 3.Subordinative The projection of a point on a line must be on the projected line. 从属性: 若点在线上,则其投影应在线的投影上。 4.Proportionality The partition of pointon a line must be equal to on the projected line. 定比性: 点分线段长度之比等于其投影分线段投影长度之比。 点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 The partition of point on a line must be equal to on the projected line. 点分线段长度之比等于其投影分线段投影长度之比。 Characteristics of line projection 直线的投影特性 1. Linearity 直线性: The projection of a line produces a line. 直线的投影仍然是直线(特殊情况积聚为点)。 2. Parallelism 平行性: The parallelism of lines before and after projection does not change. 平行直线的各同面投影仍然平行。 3. Subordinative 从属性: The projection of a point on a line must be on the projected line. 若点在线上,则其投影应在线的投影上。 a ´ a a ´ z Y H a a" 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 A 4. Proportionality 定比性: V H x 0 Yw
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