5. Conclusion This report analyze regional music and pop music bases on theory of network form a model for music, a code is created in form of rhythm-tone-range. Due the degree distribution, clustering coefficient and average shortest path, both regional music and pop music have the characteristics of scale-free model and pop music also has the characteristics of small-world model To combine pop music with regional music, random walk algorithm is created. By randomly walking through the network of regional-pop music and the possibilities on to choose which "neighbor" is decided by the weight of edges. And motif is added to add more regional features to the music. For typical motif, it has same similar interval groups in time zone. And interval groups are available in the model of intervals. What is more, by avoiding some dissonant intervals, the disharmonious tune in the music can reduce Regional music profor dly reflects and inherits the deep and sincere culture, and should be carried on. Variant regional music have both characteristic of pop music and regional music and makes it more welcomed 6. Expectation Though variant music have both features of regional music and pop music, it is lack of theme and some tune sounds not fitting in the music well. And there is not a clear structure of music. Though the music composed by algorithm have a lot of things to be improved, it contributes to use a new method to study music. The model of music still needs further study to achieve a more comprehensive result5. Conclusion This report analyze regional music and pop music bases on theory of network. To form a model for music, a code is created in form of rhythm-tone-range. Due to the degree distribution, clustering coefficient and average shortest path, both regional music and pop music have the characteristics of scale-free model and pop music also has the characteristics of small-world model. To combine pop music with regional music, random walk algorithm is created. By randomly walking through the network of regional-pop music and the possibilities on to choose which “neighbor” is decided by the weight of edges. And motif is added to add more regional features to the music. For typical motif, it has same or similar interval groups in time zone. And interval groups are available in the model of intervals. What is more, by avoiding some dissonant intervals, the disharmonious tune in the music can reduce. Regional music profoundly reflects and inherits the deep and sincere culture, and should be carried on. Variant regional music have both characteristic of pop music and regional music and makes it more welcomed. 6. Expectation Though variant music have both features of regional music and pop music, it is lack of theme and some tune sounds not fitting in the music well. And there is not a clear structure of music. Though the music composed by algorithm have a lot of things to be improved, it contributes to use a new method to study music. The model of music still needs further study to achieve a more comprehensive result
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