4/6/2017 Regulation of GM Foods in the US Regulation of GM Foods in the US USDA USDA Responsible for safety and wholesomeness of Two USDA agencies are responsible for GM crops meat,poultry and egg products and foods 1.Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Regulates potential agricultural plant pests (APHIS) and noxious weeds oversees the Federal Plant Pest Act,which Ensures safety and efficacy of meat- regulates interstate movement,importation producing animals and field testing of GM organisms/products that are not yet proven safe 2.Food Safety Inspection Service(FSIS) Regulation of GM Foods in the US hg inserted into crop EPA Follow the guidelines of the US Federal Insecticide,Fungicide,and Rodenticide Act Regulate the sale,use and testing of plants and microorganisms that produce pesticide substances Example:Bacillus thuringiensis and BT corn,Bt cotton,Bt potatoes Crop is infected by European com borer Pest dies when feeding on any plant part 4/6/2017 5 Regulation of GM Foods in the US USDA • Responsible for safety and wholesomeness of meat, poultry and egg products • Regulates potential agricultural plant pests and noxious weeds • Ensures safety and efficacy of meat￾producing animals Regulation of GM Foods in the US USDA • Two USDA agencies are responsible for GM crops and foods 1. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) oversees the Federal Plant Pest Act, which regulates interstate movement, importation and field testing of GM organisms/products that are not yet proven safe 2. Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) Regulation of GM Foods in the US EPA • Follow the guidelines of the US Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act - Regulate the sale, use and testing of plants and microorganisms that produce pesticide substances - Example: Bacillus thuringiensis and BT corn, Bt cotton, Bt potatoes
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