6.The Steps of Error Analysis (错误分析的步骤) (1)Recognition(识别错误) Dealing with a sentence produced by the language learner,we should first ask whether the sentence is grammatically correct.If the answer is negative,then errors exist.If the answer is positive,then we further check whether the sentence is appropriate in the communicative context.A negative answer indicates a mistake. 分析学习者所输出的句子时,首先要看语法是否正确。若 不正确,就存在着错误;若正确,进二步检查在交际语境 下句字里是香恰当,若不正确,则说明有错误6. The Steps of Error Analysis (错误分析的步骤) (1) Recognition(识别错误) • Dealing with a sentence produced by the language learner, we should first ask whether the sentence is grammatically correct. If the answer is negative, then errors exist. If the answer is positive, then we further check whether the sentence is appropriate in the communicative context. A negative answer indicates a mistake. • 分析学习者所输出的句子时,首先要看语法是否正确。若 不正确,就存在着错误;若正确,进一步检查在交际语境 下句子里是否恰当,若不正确,则说明有错误