Base Pairing in DNA:The Watson-Crick Model “Central dogma of molecular genetics” The function of DNA is to store information and pass it to RNA The function of RNA is to read,decode,and use the information received from DNA to make proteins Three fundamental processes take place: Replication-process by which identical copies of DNA are made so the information can be preserved and handed down to offspring Transcription-the process by which the genetic messages are read and carried out of the cell nucleus to ribosomes,where protein synthesis occurs Translation-the process by which the genetic messages are decoded and used to synthesize proteins DNA Transcription RNA Translation Proteins Replication “Central dogma of molecular genetics” ▪ The function of DNA is to store information and pass it to RNA ▪ The function of RNA is to read, decode, and use the information received from DNA to make proteins ▪ Three fundamental processes take place: ▪ Replication – process by which identical copies of DNA are made so the information can be preserved and handed down to offspring ▪ Transcription – the process by which the genetic messages are read and carried out of the cell nucleus to ribosomes, where protein synthesis occurs ▪ Translation – the process by which the genetic messages are decoded and used to synthesize proteins Base Pairing in DNA: The Watson-Crick Model
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