一、课程简介 内科学是临床医学的一门重要的学科,是临床各学科的基础。由于其内容涉 及面广、整体性强,与各学科有者密切的关系,对临床医学的理论和实践有着普 遍意义。 通过内科学的学习,使学生对内科疾病的发生、发展、临床表现,检查方法 和诊治原则等各个方面有一个比较全面系统的认识,使学生能熟练掌握内科常见 病和多发病的临床知识和相应的诊治技能,为将来的医学影像诊断学的学习与工 作奠定良好临床基础。 As the base for other clinic medical courses,Intemal medicine is an important core course in clinical medicine education.The contents of this course involves multiple medical departments and are includes many important clinic knowledge points.And so this course has a close relationship with other medical course such as biochemistry,diagnostics,pathology and pathophysiology et al.With the study of this course,the students are expected to: (1)get a comprehensive and systematic understand over interal medical diseases,including the etiology,pathophysiology,clinic manifestation,diagnosis and therapeutic principles etal; (2)grasp efficiently the clinic knowledge and skills of common interal diseases. (3)form a scientific clinic thinking model; (4)pave a good base for science research,medical education,medical management and team communication&cooperation 二、教学内容与要求 本课程主要内容: 内科学的基本内容很广,可分为多个专科。主要包括呼吸系统疾病、循环系 统疾病、消化系统疾病、泌尿系统疾病、血液系统疾病、内分泌代谢系统疾病、 结缔组织病和风湿病、理化因素所致疾病等。教学方法分理论课教学与临床见习 二大部分。教学内容涉及内科各系统常见疾病的病因和发病机制、临床表现、诊 断和鉴别诊断、治疗及预防一、课程简介 内科学是临床医学的一门重要的学科,是临床各学科的基础。由于其内容涉 及面广、整体性强,与各学科有着密切的关系,对临床医学的理论和实践有着普 遍意义。 通过内科学的学习,使学生对内科疾病的发生、发展、临床表现,检查方法 和诊治原则等各个方面有一个比较全面系统的认识,使学生能熟练掌握内科常见 病和多发病的临床知识和相应的诊治技能,为将来的医学影像诊断学的学习与工 作奠定良好临床基础。 As the base for other clinic medical courses, Internal medicine is an important core course in clinical medicine education. The contents of this course involves multiple medical departments and are includes many important clinic knowledge points. And so this course has a close relationship with other medical course such as biochemistry, diagnostics, pathology and pathophysiology et al. With the study of this course, the students are expected to: (1) get a comprehensive and systematic understand over internal medical diseases, including the etiology, pathophysiology, clinic manifestation, diagnosis and therapeutic principles et al; (2) grasp efficiently the clinic knowledge and skills of common internal diseases; (3) form a scientific clinic thinking model; (4) pave a good base for science research, medical education, medical management and team communication & cooperation. 二、教学内容与要求 本课程主要内容: 内科学的基本内容很广,可分为多个专科。主要包括呼吸系统疾病、循环系 统疾病、消化系统疾病、泌尿系统疾病、血液系统疾病、内分泌代谢系统疾病、 结缔组织病和风湿病、理化因素所致疾病等。教学方法分理论课教学与临床见习 二大部分。教学内容涉及内科各系统常见疾病的病因和发病机制、临床表现、诊 断和鉴别诊断、治疗及预防
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