Applied Statistics(A).June.2012 6.(15 Points)Alarge public utility company wants to compare the c onsumption ofelectricity duringthe summer season for singl e-family housesintwocounties that it serv ices.Foreac h with the follo ing results COUNTYI COUNTY2 115$ 98 $3051 n 2521 (1)At the 0.05 1 evel of signifi cance,ist here evidence that the mean monthly bill is higher in COUNTY 1 than in COUNTY 2? (2)What assumption is necessary to perform this test? (3)Find the p-value in(1)and interpret its meaning Applied Statistics (A), June, 2012 7 6. (15 Points) A lar ge publ ic utility com pany wa nts t o c ompare the c onsumption of el ectricity during t he su mmer season for singl e-family houses i n tw o co unties that it serv ices. For eac h household sampled, the monthly electric bill is recorded, with the following results: COUNTY 1 COUNTY 2 X $115 $ 98 S $30 $1 8 n 25 21 (1) At the 0.05 l evel of signifi cance, is t here evi dence t hat the mean m onthly bi ll i s higher in COUNTY 1 than in COUNTY 2? (2) What assumption is necessary to perform this test? (3) Find the p-value in (1) and interpret its meaning
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