Mechanism of ethylene action The RANI protein is ethylene receptor. @ a model for ethylene signal TR1 and the other ethylene (ADP) Activation activity of CTRl. This leads transduction pathway Receiver ethylene response pathway. rough a MAP HOOC COOH RAF-like activation which causes kinase CTR1 to become inactive The inactivation of CTR1 MAPK? MAPKK? ome Penetration of EIN2 turns NUCLEUS on factors, which E duce th in of ERF1. The Transcription Cell wall weakening(细胞壁变软 ERF le changes ultimately bring about alterations in cell functions Ethylene response genes Cellulase(纤维素酶)A model for ethylene signal transduction pathway Mechanism of ethylene action Cellulase (纤维素酶) Cell wall weakening (细胞壁变软) Penetration
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