Thin-versus fat-client systems Thin-client system(a) Client is made as small as possible Most of the work is done in the server Client easy to download over the network Fat-client system(b) As much work as possible is delegated to the clients Server can handle more clients Light computation Heavy computation simple results commands for display requests results for services of requests Heavy computation ht computation a b www.oseng.com O Lethbridge/Laganiere 2001 Chap 3: Basing Development on Reusable© Lethbridge/Laganière 2001 Chap. 3: Basing Development on Reusable Technology 19 Thin- versus fat-client systems Thin-client system (a) • Client is made as small as possible • Most of the work is done in the server. • Client easy to download over the network Fat-client system (b) • As much work as possible is delegated to the clients. • Server can handle more clients Light computation Light computation Heavy computation Heavy computation results for display simple commands requests for services results of requests a b
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