积累与巩固 根据句意及汉语提示补全句子。 1.Unluckily,Tom missed the early bus because he overslept(睡过头). 2.Don't be fooled I(愚弄)by his appearance. 3.The man is a public information officer(). 4.I cancelled (my appointment with the dentist yesterday. 5.When spring comes,ice and snow will disappear_() 导航页导航页 积累与巩固 根据句意及汉语提示补全句子。 1. Unluckily, Tom missed the early bus because he __________(睡过头). 2. Don’t be __________(愚弄) by his appearance. 3. The man is a public information (官员). 4. I __________(取消) my appointment with the dentist yesterday. 5. When spring comes, ice and snow will __________(消失). overslept fooled officer cancelled disappear
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