The diffuser scatters light for experiments in which a relatively uniform illumination is required.The diffuser material is a thin sheet of acetate with a matte finish. Variable Diaphragm Aperture limits:1.25-10.0 mm Number of leaves:10 To vary the aperture,push the handle up or down. Light Source Apertures(two slides---OS-9118,OS-9119) Aperture widths:0.5,0.75 mm (OS-9118)1.0,2.0 mm(OS-9119) Use the light source apertures to collimate the light coming from the incandescent light source.You can place the slide on a component holder,or directly over the aperture of the light source. Photometer Apertures Aperture Widths:0.1,0.2,0.5,and 1.0 mm The photometer apertures can be used to vary the resolution of the fiber optic probe of the photometer.For accurate resolution,the tip of the optic probe must be flush against the aperture.This is most easily accomplished using the linear or angular translator as follows(see Figure 17). 1Place the aperture slide on the rear-most holder of the linear or angular translator Photometer iber-optic probe Apertures (the holder closest to the hole for the fiber-optic probe). 2Before inserting the probe,look through Linear the hole and position the aperture slide Translator so the desired aperture is centered in the Figure 17:Using the Photometer Apertures hole. Interference and Diffraction Apertures(4 slides- OS-9165A,B,C,and D) 3Insert the fiber-optic probe into the hole so that the tip is flush against the aperture. 1717 The diffuser scatters light for experiments in which a relatively uniform illumination is required. The diffuser material is a thin sheet of acetate with a matte finish. Variable Diaphragm Aperture limits: 1.25 - 10.0 mm Number of leaves: 10 To vary the aperture, push the handle up or down. Light Source Apertures (two slides---OS-9118, OS- 9119) Aperture widths: 0.5, 0.75 mm (OS-9118) l.0, 2.0 mm (OS-9119) Use the light source apertures to collimate the light coming from the incandescent light source. You can place the slide on a component holder, or directly over the aperture of the light source. Photometer Apertures Aperture Widths: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 mm The photometer apertures can be used to vary the resolution of the fiber optic probe of the photometer. For accurate resolution, the tip of the optic probe must be flush against the aperture. This is most easily accomplished using the linear or angular translator as follows (see Figure 17). ①Place the aperture slide on the rear-most holder of the linear or angular translator (the holder closest to the hole for the fiber-optic probe). ②Before inserting the probe, look through the hole and position the aperture slide so the desired aperture is centered in the hole. ③Insert the fiber-optic probe into the hole so that the tip is flush against the aperture
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