Cardiac outpu 2000 1000 Infusion period Arterial pressure 505050 4 Urinary output 0102030405060 Time minutes Increase in cardiac output, (urniary)urinary output, and arterial pressure caused by increased blood volume in dogs whose nervous oressure control mechanisms had been blocked. This figure shows the return of arterial pressure to normal after about an hour of fluid loss into the urine. Bourtrsy Dr. Wolliam DobbsIncrease in cardiac output, (urniary) urinary output, and arterial pressure caused by increased blood volume in dogs whose nervous pressure control mechanisms had been blocked. This figure shows the return of arterial pressure to normal after about an hour of fluid loss into the urine. (Bourtrsy Dr. Wolliam Dobbs.) Infusion period Time minutes Cardiac output Arterial pressure Urinary output
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