book.The first one describes the conomics equilibrium behaviors of single cosumer and single cosumer;the second part explains how some market turning equilibrium;the equilibrium price and quantity of all markets was discussed in the third one.Because single unit is discussed,the subject was called as Microeconomics.The price analyses is the core of Microeconomics. What is Economics is introduced in the first chaptes:how the price deing decided is explained in the second chapter,demanding is described in the third:how to get supply curve is the main contend from the fourthchapter to the seventh one.The discussion about the factors demand and supply was introduced.The contend of the tenth chapter is market equilibrium and the production optimization and exchange optimization :Externalities public goods、 asymmetric information and Microeconomics policy are discussed in the eleventh.2 book.The first one describes the conomics equilibrium behaviors of single cosumer and single cosumer; the second part explains how some market turning equilibrium;the equilibrium price and quantity of all markets was discussed in the third one.Because single unit is discussed,the subject was called as Microeconomics.The price analyses is the core of Microeconomics. What is Economics is introduced in the first chaptes;how the price deing decided is explained in the second chapter; demanding is described in the third; how to get supply curve is the main contend from the fourthchapter to the seventh one. The discussion about the factors demand and supply was introduced.The contend of the tenth chapter is market equilibrium and the production optimization and exchange optimization ;Externalities、 public goods 、 asymmetric information and Microeconomics policy are discussed in the eleventh
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