Related Work on the Average case U Niesen, and M.A. Maddah-Ali, "Coded Caching with Nonuniform Demands aXiv:13080178V2[cs,Ma.2014.(TT2016) divide the files into groups The gap between the lower bound and the achievable(upper) bound increases with of groups(unbounded) J. Hachem, N. Karamchandani and s. Diggavi, " Multi-level Coded Caching arXiy:14046563[cs,Apr.2014 Popularity has multiple levels The gap increases with of levels (unbounded) M.Ji, A tulino, J. Llorca and G Caire, " On the Average Performance of Caching and Coded Multicasting with Random Demands", arXiv: 1402.4576V2 [cs.,Jul.2014 Zipf popularity distribution pi a The gap increases with when a>1(unbounded)Related Work on the Average Case • U. Niesen, and M.A. Maddah-Ali, “Coded Caching with Nonuniform Demands”, arXiv:1308.0178v2 [cs.IT], Mar. 2014. (TIT 2016) ➢ Divide the files into groups ➢ The gap between the lower bound and the achievable (upper) bound increases with # of groups (unbounded) • J. Hachem, N. Karamchandani and S. Diggavi, “Multi-level Coded Caching”, arXiv:1404.6563 [cs.IT], Apr. 2014. ➢ Popularity has multiple levels ➢ The gap increases with # of levels (unbounded) • M. Ji, A. Tulino, J. Llorca and G. Caire, “On the Average Performance of Caching and Coded Multicasting with Random Demands”, arXiv:1402.4576v2 [cs.IT], Jul. 2014. ➢ Zipf popularity distribution 𝑝𝑖 ∝ 1 𝑖 𝛼 ➢ The gap increases with 1 𝛼−1 when 𝛼 > 1 (unbounded) 6
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