Deadlock Handling Consider the following two transactions and history,with item X and transaction T at site 1,and item Y and transaction T2 at site 2: T1 write (X) T2 write (X) write(Y) write (Y) X-lock on X write(X) X-lock on Y write (Y) wait for X-lock on X Wait for X-lock on Y Result:deadlock which cannot be detected locally at either site Database System Concepts-7th Edition 23.26 @Silberschatz,Korth and SudarshanDatabase System Concepts - 7 23.26 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan th Edition Deadlock Handling Consider the following two transactions and history, with item X and transaction T1 at site 1, and item Y and transaction T2 at site 2: Result: deadlock which cannot be detected locally at either site