Outlines requirements and time allocation 1.4.2 Physical Media Protocols 10分钟 Physical Media physical link:transmitted data bit propagates across link guided media:signals propagate in solid media:copper,fiber unguided media:signals propagate freelye.g.,radio Twisted Pair (TP).Coaxial cable,fiber.radio (通过当前家庭及单位接入因特网情况,讲解网络接入方式,网络传输介质,用讨论 式教学方式教学。) 1.5 Intemet Bachbones,NAPs,and ISPs(ISP和因特网主干) 10分钟 Roughly hierarchical National/intemational backbone providers (NBPs) Local ISP.company:connect into regional ISPs (了解网络主干网也是分层次结构的,用讨论式教学方式教学。) .6 Delay and Loss in Packet-.Switched Network(分组交换网络中的时延和分组丢失) 1.6.1 Types of Delay Delay in packet-switched networks 10分钟 Nodal Processing delay: check bit errors determine output link Transmission delay: R=link bandwidth(bps) 10分钟 L=packet length(bits) time to send bits into link =L/R s=propagation speed in medium(~2x108 m/sec) propagation delay=d/s Queuing delay: R=link bandwidth(bps) 10分钟 L=packet length (bits) a=average packet arrival rate traffic intensity=La/R La/R~0:average queuing delay small La/R->1:delays become large La/R>1:more"work"arriving than can be serviced,average delay 重点讲解Queuing delay,用启发、讨论式教学方式教学,) 复习本次课的主要内容。 5分钟4 Outlines, requirements and time allocation 1.4.2 Physical Media Protocols Physical Media physical link: transmitted data bit propagates across link guided media: signals propagate in solid media: copper, fiber unguided media: signals propagate freelye.g., radio Twisted Pair (TP), Coaxial cable, fiber, radio (通过当前家庭及单位接入因特网情况,讲解网络接入方式,网络传输介质,用讨论 式教学方式教学。) 1.5 Internet Bachbones, NAPs, and ISPs(ISP 和因特网主干) Roughly hierarchical National/international backbone providers (NBPs) interconnect (peer) with each other privately, or at public Network Access Point (NAPs) Regional ISPs:connect into NBPs Local ISP, company:connect into regional ISPs (了解网络主干网也是分层次结构的,用讨论式教学方式教学。) 1.6 Delay and Loss in Packet-Switched Network(分组交换网络中的时延和分组丢失) 1.6.1 Types of Delay Delay in packet-switched networks Nodal Processing delay: check bit errors determine output link Transmission delay: R=link bandwidth (bps) L=packet length (bits) time to send bits into link = L/R Propagation delay: d = length of physical link s = propagation speed in medium (~2x108 m/sec) propagation delay = d/s Queuing delay: R=link bandwidth (bps) L=packet length (bits) a=average packet arrival rate traffic intensity = La/R La/R ~ 0: average queuing delay small La/R -> 1: delays become large La/R > 1: more “work” arriving than can be serviced, average delay infinite! (重点讲解 Queuing delay,用启发、讨论式教学方式教学。) 复习本次课的主要内容。 10 分钟 10 分钟 10 分钟 10 分钟 10 分钟 5 分钟
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