16 Organic Acids and Food Preservation Berry,E.D.and Cutter,C.N.2000.Effects of acid adaptation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on efficacy of acetic acid spray washes to dec ontaminate beef car- cass tissue.Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66:1493-1498. Binder,E.M.2007.Managing the risk of mycotoxins in modern feed production. Animal Feed Science and Technology 133:149-166. Brul,S.and Coote,P.1999.Preservative agents in foods.Mode of action and micro- bial resistance mechanisms.International Journal of Food Microbiology 50:1-17. Brul,S.,Coote,P.,Oomes,S.,Mensonides,F.,Hellingwerf,K,and Klis,F.2002a. hysiological actons of preservatve agents:Prospectve of use of mode ing microbi vior in food preserva- Mic Brul, 8 79 E.M.,Oor es,S et a 2002 da sign b ced on d m 13353 of food preservation processes Cabe-Sel ndBeatie..Food safety rends in food. Association 104-1708-1717 eand preven ion.Jour Cardello A y Schutz HG and Lesher II 2007 Consum centions of foods processed by innovative and emerging technolog A onjoint analytic study.Innouative food science emerging technologies 8:73-83 Castillo,C Benedito,J.L.,Mendez,J.,et al.2004.Organic acids as a substitute for monensin in diets for beef cattle.Animal Feed Science and Technology 115:101-116 and Van,K.F ha2002vsudy on t o ranids on Campor Lipman,L.. Ccer an feed.Por y e81621 creased as aff on ume an Chikthenge ah.N.LaBorde.LE.and Bee R B 2003 Critical fac s affe ed with f acid and sodium benzoate.lournal of Food sc Donoghue l outry tissues and eggs:Hum Durango,A.M.,Soares,N.F.F,and Andrade,N.J.2006.Microbiological evalua- tion of an edible antimicrobial coating on minimally processed carrots.Food Contro117:336-341. 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Durango, A.M., Soares, N.F.F., and Andrade, N.J. 2006. Microbiological evalua￾tion of an edible antimicrobial coating on minimally processed carrots. Food Control 17:336–341. FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. 1987. Codex standards for sugars, cocoa products and chocolate and miscellaneous. Codex standard for vinegar. In Codex alimentarius. Regional European standard, Codex Stan 162. Geneva. Ferguson, W.E. and Powrie, W.D. 1957. Studies on the preservation of fresh apple juice with sorbic acid. Applied Microbiology 5:41–43. Food Additives World. 2008. Preservatives. http://www.foodadditivesworld.com/ (Accessed 15 June 2009). Forman, C. 2002. The food additives business. Food and Beverage. Report Code: FOD 009D. Published July 2002
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