526 P.Deng Cai,2009).Therefore,more work devoted to Chinese outward investment should draw on the rich insights of other theoretical lenses for understanding this com- plicated issue. Specifically,integrating resource dependence theory(RDT)with RBT could be highly productive given the dominant state ownership in Chinese overseas investment.RDT posits that firms depending significantly on external resources will attempt to minimize or neutralize this dependence (Pfeffer,1993;Pfeffer Salancik,1978).Because these two theories show complementary focuses on resources,integrating them may show how organizations achieve a competitive edge and reduce environmental uncertainties simultaneously by specifying resource needs internally and obtaining them externally (Hillman et al.,2009).We need a richer understanding of specific resources that different levels of Chines government bring to a firm,as well as their motivation and ability to contribute to the firm.For example,does resource dependence influence catch-up strategies?If so,what type and to what extent?Researchers may further explore how extensively Chinese int rationalization relates to government dependence and analyze the stages of a Chinese firm's international engagements in which external resources are most beneficial.Corresponding to the different resources that M&As bring to a firm,scholars may examine how specific types of M&As may be more or less valuable as government factors change.Furthermore,organizations may use polit cal means to alter the external environment,actively creating their own favourable environment by trying to shape government policies. Integration of RDT and institutional theory may pr rove equally enlightening because of their different levels of analysis.At its foundation,institutional theory builds on several macro perspectives (e.g.,formal regulations,informal rules,or social isomorphism).As a micro-level approach,RDT contends that organizations are constrained by a network of interdependencies with institutions,and that employees rely on their team members to perform successfully (Hillman etal 2009:Pfeffer,1993).Therefore,the micro-macro conceptualizations of RDT and institutional theory share a focus on reciprocal relationships for managing external interdependencies and g fuperformance.Search for the cal synergies between institutional legitimacy and forms of resource dep ndency may offer new insights into Chinese OFDI and contribute to the overall body of knowledge.For instance,scholars may consider parallels between exploitation and exploration at the firm level and impetus and restraints at the institutional level that may emulate similar forces frequently studied in terms of firm actions Also,as the two theories share some common assumptions regarding strategi options but emphasize the socially embedded context of firms,it could be fruitful to explore more nuanced relationships between internal/external resources and performance. Another potential theoretical lens for integration involves institutional theory and stakeholder theory because of their similar emphases.Both theories recogniz 2013 The International Asociation for Chinese Management ResearchCai, 2009). Therefore, more work devoted to Chinese outward investment should draw on the rich insights of other theoretical lenses for understanding this com￾plicated issue. Specifically, integrating resource dependence theory (RDT) with RBT could be highly productive given the dominant state ownership in Chinese overseas investment. RDT posits that firms depending significantly on external resources will attempt to minimize or neutralize this dependence (Pfeffer, 1993; Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). Because these two theories show complementary focuses on resources, integrating them may show how organizations achieve a competitive edge and reduce environmental uncertainties simultaneously by specifying resource needs internally and obtaining them externally (Hillman et al., 2009). We need a richer understanding of specific resources that different levels of Chinese government bring to a firm, as well as their motivation and ability to contribute to the firm. For example, does resource dependence influence catch-up strategies? If so, what type and to what extent? Researchers may further explore how extensively Chinese internationalization relates to government dependence and analyze the stages of a Chinese firm’s international engagements in which external resources are most beneficial. Corresponding to the different resources that M&As bring to a firm, scholars may examine how specific types of M&As may be more or less valuable as government factors change. Furthermore, organizations may use politi￾cal means to alter the external environment, actively creating their own favourable environment by trying to shape government policies. Integration of RDT and institutional theory may prove equally enlightening because of their different levels of analysis. At its foundation, institutional theory builds on several macro perspectives (e.g., formal regulations, informal rules, or social isomorphism). As a micro-level approach, RDT contends that organizations are constrained by a network of interdependencies with institutions, and that employees rely on their team members to perform successfully (Hillman et al., 2009; Pfeffer, 1993). Therefore, the micro–macro conceptualizations of RDT and institutional theory share a focus on reciprocal relationships for managing external interdependencies and generating successful performance. Search for the theoreti￾cal synergies between institutional legitimacy and forms of resource dependency may offer new insights into Chinese OFDI and contribute to the overall body of knowledge. For instance, scholars may consider parallels between exploitation and exploration at the firm level and impetus and restraints at the institutional level that may emulate similar forces frequently studied in terms of firm actions. Also, as the two theories share some common assumptions regarding strategic options but emphasize the socially embedded context of firms, it could be fruitful to explore more nuanced relationships between internal/external resources and performance. Another potential theoretical lens for integration involves institutional theory and stakeholder theory because of their similar emphases. Both theories recognize 526 P. Deng © 2013 The International Association for Chinese Management Research
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