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[12]DEMPSTER A P.Upper and lower probability inferences based on a sample from a finite univariate population[. 李磊军,男,1985年生,讲师,博士, Biometrika,1967,54(3/4):515-528. 主要研究方向为粗糙集,概念格,粒计 [13]SHAFER G.A mathematical theory of evidence[J].Techn- 算与集成学习等,已发表学术论文10余 ometrics,1978,20(1):242. 篇,其中被SCI检索5篇。 [14]LIN Guoping,LIANG Jiye,QIAN Yuhua.An information fusion approach by combining multigranulation rough sets不确定性。 在后续研究中,可以进一步给出基于信任函数 和似然函数的多粒度覆盖粗糙集属性约简算法。 参考文献: [1]PALAWK Z. Rough set[J]. International journal of comput⁃ er & information sciences, 1982, 11(5): 341-356. [2]CHEN Degang, KWONG S, HE Qiang, et al. Geometrical interpretation and applications of membership functions with fuzzy rough sets[ J]. Fuzzy sets and systems, 2012, 193: 122-135. [3] LIANG Jiye, CHIN K S, Dang Chuangyin, et al. A new method for measuring uncertainty and fuzziness in rough set theory[ J]. International journal of general systems, 2002, 31(4): 331-342. [4] LIANG Jiye, WANG Feng, DANG Chaungyin, et al. A group incremental approach to feature selection applying rough set technique [ J]. IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 2014, 26(2): 294-308. [5] TAN Anhui, LI Jinjin, LIN Guoping. Extended results on the relationship between information systems[J]. Information sciences, 2015, 290: 156-173. [6 ] BONIKOWSKI Z, BRYNIARSKI E, WYBRANIEC⁃SKAR⁃ DOWSKA U. Extensions and intentions in the rough set theory [J]. Information sciences, 1998, 107(1/ 2/ 3/ 4): 149-167. [7]FENG Tao, MI Jusheng, WU Weizhi. Covering⁃based gener⁃ alized rough fuzzy sets [ M] / / WANG Guoying, PETERS J F, SKOWRON A, et al. Rough Sets and Knowledge Tech⁃ nology. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2006: 208-215. [8]QIAN Y H, LIANG J Y. Rough set method based on multi⁃ granulations[C] / / Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics. Beijing: IEEE, 2006: 297-304. [9]徐伟华, 刘士虎, 张文修. 一般二元关系下信息系统知 识的粒度描述[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2011, 47(18): 40-44. XU Weihua, LIU Shihu, ZHANG Wenxiu. 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Connections between covering generization rough set and dempster⁃shafer theory of evidence[J]. Jour⁃ nal of Zhangzhou normal university: natural science, 2010 (2): 1-4. [16] WU Weizhi, MI Jushneg. Knowledge reduction in incom⁃ plete information systems based on dempster⁃shafer theory of evidence[M] / / WANG Guoying, PETERS J F, SKOW⁃ RON A, et al. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology. Ber⁃ lin Heidelberg: Springer, 2006: 254-261. [17]YAO Y Y, LINGRAS P J. Interpretations of belief func⁃ tions in the theory of rough sets[ J]. Information sciences, 1998, 104(1 / 2): 81-106. [18] CHEN Degang, ZHANG Xiaoxia, LI Wanlu. On measure⁃ ments of covering rough sets based on granules and evidence theory[J]. Information sciences, 2015, 317: 329-348. [19]CHEN Degang, LI Wanlu, ZHANG Xiao, et al. Evidence⁃ theory⁃based numerical algorithms of attribute reduction with neighborhood⁃covering rough sets [ J ]. International journal of approximate reasoning, 2014, 55(3): 908-923. [20]WU Weizhi, LEUNG Y, ZHANG Wenxiu. Connections be⁃ tween rough set theory and Dempster⁃Shafer theory of evi⁃ dence[J]. International journal of general systems, 2002, 31(4): 405-430. [21]吴伟志, 米据生, 李同军. 无限论域中的粗糙近似空间 与信任结构[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2012, 49(2): 327 -336. WU Weizhi, MI Jusheng, LI Tongjun. Rough approxima⁃ tion spaces and belief structures in infinite universes of dis⁃ course[J]. Journal of computer research and development, 2012, 49(2): 327-336. [22]TAN Anhui, WU Weizhi, LI Jinjin, et al. Evidence⁃theo⁃ ry⁃based numerical characterization of multi⁃granulation rough sets in incomplete information systems[J]. Fuzzy sets and systems, 2016, 294: 18-35. [23] ZAKOWSKI B W. Approximations in the space ( u, π) [J]. Demonstratio mathematica, 1983, 16(3): 761-769. 作者简介: 车晓雅,女, 1991 年生, 硕士研究 生, 主要研究方向为人工智能的数学基 础。 李磊军,男,1985 年生,讲师,博士, 主要研究方向为粗糙集,概念格,粒计 算与集成学习等,已发表学术论文 10 余 篇,其中被 SCI 检索 5 篇。 ·486· 智 能 系 统 学 报 第 11 卷
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