8.In the box below.draw the structure of cis-3-methyl-cyclopentanecarbaldehyde. 9.Give the configuration of the indicated carbons CH H 10.Examine the pairs of structures below and identify their relationship to one another,using the letter codes below (2 points each): A-the identical structure.B-constitutional isomers.C-conformational isomers.D- diastereomers.E-enantiomers.F-none of the above. B CL CHO CHOH HO-H HO-H H-OH H-OH HO-H CHOH CHO CI HHY H CN 11.Which of the compounds shown below will react with methyl formate(methyl methanoate)in the presence of methoxide anion(CH3O)to give a compound,which on treatment with aqueous acid and gentle heating,will decarboxylate to form butanal? A B人c人E义人 12.Which of the following molecules meets the Huckle definition for aromaticity: 13.An unknown compound gives a copious yellow precipitate when it is reacted with 第2页共6页 第 2 页 共 6 页 8. In the box below, draw the structure of cis-3-methyl-cyclopentanecarbaldehyde. 9. Give the configuration of the indicated carbons . C H O H O H O H C H2 O H O H C H3 H 10. Examine the pairs of structures below and identify their relationship to one another, using the letter codes below (2 points each): A - the identical structure. B - constitutional isomers. C - conformational isomers. D – diastereomers. E – enantiomers. F - none of the above. C l C l ___________ C H3 B r C H3 B r ___________ C H O H O H H O H H O H C H2 O H C H2 O HJ H O H H O H H O H C H O _______________ C H2 C H3 C H3 H H C H2 C H3 H C H3 H ___________ H H CH3 Cl H3C H Cl H CH3 CH3 H H ___________ H C N C l C N C l ___________ 11. Which of the compounds shown below will react with methyl formate (methyl methanoate) in the presence of methoxide anion(CH3O- ) to give a compound, which on treatment with aqueous acid and gentle heating, will decarboxylate to form butanal? O B r B r O O O O O A . B . C . D . E. 12. Which of the following molecules meets the Hückle definition for aromaticity: A. B . C . D. E. 13. An unknown compound gives a copious yellow precipitate when it is reacted with
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