Go through the Customs and addictable strong medicine, addictable strong medicine:易成瘾药品 narcotic,etc.are all forbidden. addictable:a.addictive(毒品等)使上瘾的 Morphine is highly addictable. 吗啡容易上瘾 addict:v.使沉浸,使上瘾n上瘾者,隐君子 narcotic:n.催眠剂,(常用复数形式) He was sent to prison witha narcotic charge. 他因(贩毒或吸毒)而被送入监狱。 a.麻醉的,催眠的 a narcotic drinks麻醉的饮料 narcotic addiction毒瘾 1212 Go through the Customs and addictable strong medicine, narcotic, etc. are all forbidden. addictable strong medicine: 易成瘾药品 addictable: a. addictive (毒品等)使上瘾的 Morphine is highly addictable . 吗啡容易上瘾 addict: v.使沉浸,使上瘾 n.上瘾者,隐君子 narcotic: n. 催眠剂,(常用复数形式) He wassent to prison witha narcotic charge. 他因(贩毒或吸毒)而被送入监狱。 a. 麻醉的,催眠的 a narcotic drinks 麻醉的饮料 narcotic addiction 毒瘾
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