Pointer version of input-reversal program define MAXVALS 100 /* max values in table * int main o int table fill(int all int max)i void table print rev(int a[], int num)i int t[MAxvAlS]; /* input values*/ int n table fill(t, MAXvALS) table print rev(tr n)i return 0; PROGRAMMINGMETHDOLODGY AND SOFTWAREENGINEERING 港城市大 Copyrighto1998 Angus WuPROGRAMMING METHDOLODGY AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Copyright©1998 Angus Wu /* * Pointer version of input-reversal program. */ #define MAXVALS 100 /* max values in table */ int main() { int table_fill(int a[], int max); void table_print_rev(int a[], int num); int t[MAXVALS]; /* input values*/ int n = table_fill(t, MAXVALS); table_print_rev(t, n); return 0; }