1078 GA 1850 the aow.added by the present author.(Reprinted from rdiednl85,ndh19ooRvRpubsheda made and the ion fro of its of Pasteur),a celebrate ann e author mentions by date and dis es n while events of tery of m the of d tha mnlrchayng the as min Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir unknown 25-yr-old new doctor of science from obscurity to the forefront of French science, brought him recognition and admiration from the French scientific establishment,15 and launched his stellar career. Pasteur died in 1895, and in 1900 RVR published La Vie de Pasteur (The Life of Pasteur), a celebrated biography which went through numerous subsequent editions. In this work RVR mentions60 the death of Pasteur’s mother but does not give a date, and quotes from Pasteur’s May 28th letter47 to Chappuis (see above). Moreover, while RVR outlines the main events of the discovery of molecu￾lar chirality, Pasteur’s presentation of the discovery to the Acade´mie is not mentioned.61 This treatment by RVR of two major events in Pasteur’s life in the detailed and then￾definitive biography of Pasteur is, again, difficult to com￾prehend. The absence of a reference to the presentation of molecular chirality to the Acade´mie is particularly unex￾pected, since the great importance of the discovery was well-known to RVR in 1900, more than 50 yr after it was made, and the omission from La Vie de Pasteur of its announcement by Pasteur to the Acade´mie is all the more puzzling, since as in the earlier biography by RVR (see above), the author mentions by date and discusses many other of Pasteur’s presentations to the Acade´mie. A few examples: the presentation of March 20th, 1848,62 which took place 2 mo before that on molecular chirality and dealt with a study of dimorphism, an investigation whose significance can only be described, at best, as minor when compared with the discovery of molecular chirality; the presentation of September 30th, 185063; the presentation Fig. 6. Map of the railway network in France in 1850. Arbois is located at the tip of the arrow, added by the present author. (Reprinted from ‘‘GE´ O￾GRAPHIE DES CHEMINS DE FER FRANC¸ AIS’’, by Henri Lartilleux, Chaix, 1962). 1078 GAL Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
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