Section C Vocabulary: 1.Kenya:the Republic of Kenya肯尼亚共和国 2.prospectus:a document giving details of a college or school and its activities 内容说明书 3.leaflet:a piece of paper or several pieces of paper folded or fixed together like a book,which gives you information or advertises something小叶,传单 4.discard:to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer or need it丢弃 5.stinking:having a foul smell;:very bad or unpleasant臭的,烂醉的,讨厌的 6.slum:a very poor and crowded area esp.of a city,where the houses are in an extremely bad state and the living conditions are very poori贫民窟 7.breadwinner:the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs to live on养家活口的人 8.overdose:a too large amount of a drug that a person or animal has taken or been given intentionally or by accidenti配药过量 9.visa:an official mark made in a passport which allows you to enter or leave a particular country签证 10.initially:at first 11.tenacity:the determination to continue what you are doing 12.resourcefulness:the ability to make decisions and act on your own足智多谋Section C Vocabulary: ❖ 1.Kenya:the Republic of Kenya 肯尼亚共和国 ❖ 2.prospectus:a document giving details of a college or school and its activities 内容说明书 ❖ 3.leaflet:a piece of paper or several pieces of paper folded or fixed together like a book, which gives you information or advertises something小叶,传单 ❖ 4.discard:to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer or need it丢弃 ❖ 5.stinking:having a foul smell; very bad or unpleasant臭的,烂醉的,讨厌的 ❖ 6.slum:a very poor and crowded area esp. of a city, where the houses are in an extremely bad state and the living conditions are very poor贫民窟 ❖ 7.breadwinner: the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs to live on养家活口的人 ❖ 8.overdose:a too large amount of a drug that a person or animal has taken or been given intentionally or by accident配药过量 ❖ 9.visa:an official mark made in a passport which allows you to enter or leave a particular country签证 ❖ 10.initially: at first ❖ 11.tenacity: the determination to continue what you are doing 坚韧 ❖ 12.resourcefulness:the ability to make decisions and act on your own 足智多谋
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