ourtesy of Andreas Hoffman. Used with permission 16.410: Jump Starting With Scheme by Andreas Hoffman Introduction This jumpstart shows you the basics of getting Scheme started, running simple programs, that the Scheme installed in the 16.410 computer lab is the Windows vers Ban On simple editing and debugging, and exiting out of Scheme. The jumpstart is oriented towards Windows installations, but can be adapted for Unix and other installations. Note Please note that this jumpstart will give you only the most rudimentary skills in Scheme To get through the course, you will have to obtain a bit more information. The Scheme user and reference manuals are excellent resources, and are available as part of the Scheme installation; just go to the Windows Start menu, and select: Programs, MIT Scheme, Documentation. Please see the course web page for the url to the Scheme download site and the location and hours of the course lab Hello world Start the Scheme interpreter by going to the Windows start menu and selecting Programs, MIT Scheme, Scheme. At the prompt, enter the following form ( display"Hello, World! " (newline)) The interpreter prints out Hello. World The interpreter also prints out a message indicating"unspecified return value". This is not an error message; it simply states that the Scheme form you entered doesn't return any value. Some forms return values, some don't. Now, enter the following form (begi (display Hello, World! (newline)5) Now, the interpreter indicates the returned value(5). Let's exit Scheme(dont worry, we'll come back to it. To exit, simply enter the form (exit)16.410: Jump Starting With Scheme by Andreas Hoffman Introduction This jumpstart shows you the basics of getting Scheme started, running simple programs, simple editing and debugging, and exiting out of Scheme. The jumpstart is oriented towards Windows installations, but can be adapted for Unix and other installations. Note that the Scheme installed in the 16.410 computer lab is the Windows version. Please note that this jumpstart will give you only the most rudimentary skills in Scheme. To get through the course, you will have to obtain a bit more information. The Scheme user and reference manuals are excellent resources, and are available as part of the Scheme installation; just go to the Windows Start menu, and select: Programs, MIT Scheme, Documentation. Please see the course web page for the url to the Scheme download site and the location and hours of the course lab. Hello World Start the Scheme interpreter by going to the Windows start menu and selecting: Programs, MIT Scheme, Scheme. At the prompt, enter the following form: (begin (display "Hello, World!") (newline)) The interpreter prints out Hello, World! The interpreter also prints out a message indicating "unspecified return value". This is not an error message; it simply states that the Scheme form you entered doesn't return any value. Some forms return values, some don't. Now, enter the following form: (begin (display "Hello, World!") (newline) 5) Now, the interpreter indicates the returned value (5). Let's exit Scheme (don't worry, we'll come back to it. To exit, simply enter the form: (exit) Courtesy of Andreas Hoffman. Used with permission